"Does it hurt?" Kaminari who was seated behind the two asked peering over his seat at them.


"The scar on your eye, does it hurt?"

"Kaminari sensei said not to ask questions!" Sero hissed hitting the blonde on his head and forcing him to sit down.

"It's okay. No, it doesn't hurt." Asami knelt on her seat turning to face the blonde. "It's long, looks painful and feels weird but it doesn't hurt."

"I think the red in your hair suits you!"

"Right? Kirishima your hair colour matches with mine now!" Asami looked up at said red head earning a thumbs up and a grin

"Yeah it does! So manly!!"

"Shut up shitty hair!!"

"Asami-chan, the colours in your eyes oddly suit you, kero." Tsuyu smiled "It makes you stand out even more."


"How old are you and your friend now? I think you're still younger than we are if I'm to guess." Yaomomo hummed trying to guess her age

"Kichirou turned fourteen and I'm Thirteen."

"I see..."

"You two should be home resting still why did you join us?" Jiro asked.

"Our quirks got stronger. We have to learn control all over again. The principal thought it'd benefit us to join you all since this is a quirk training camp." Kichirou explained.

"Daiski-kun, if you don't mind what's your quirk?" Midoriya asked notebook already in hand.

"Before it was magnetize. I can turn parts of my body into metal and become Magnetic. I think it's upgraded now though." Kichirou sweat dropped as Midoriya furiously muttered and scribbled away at his book.

"Ah, before I forget Midoriya!" He looked up at his name to find the youngest Todoroki smiling widely at him "Arigatou!"

"Eh? Huh? Wha- I didn't do anything! Why are you thanking me!?"

"You did! You became Sho-niisan's friend!" She smiled

"Ah you're still so precious!!" Mina laughed squealing slightly.

"Still waiting for you to befriend him Bakugou!"

"Like fuck I will!"

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Kichirou huffed not trying to be quiet about what he said.

"The hell did you say!?" Kaminari and Kirishima snickered

"Oh? Need hearing aids too huh? No wonder you're yelling..." Kichirou sighed.

"Come say that to my face brat!!"

"Asami stay away from him he's feral. Don't want you catching anything." Asami laughed besides Kaminari Kirishima and Sero, all who were weak.


"Bakugou please refrain from such language and violence towards the children!!"


An hour of riding in the bus with class 1-A Asami and Kichirou found themselves at ease surrounded by the noise of students instead of hospital staff. Even before they arrived they had to do a check up because of how naturally they were able to use Ryouta's quirk, now shared between the two of them. This camp should help them further understand that aspect.

Once outside the bus and seeing nothing but the road and trees the two shared a look before sighing.

"We're not going to like this huh?" Kichirou sighed heavily.

"I don't think so. Sensei is an over the top person he might do something extra  like make us walk to the camp from here or something."

"Would he really do such a thing?"

"Wouldn't put it pass him at all."

"Maybe we should head back to- woah!" While the Kichirou and Asami were talking they failed to notice the appearance of the hero group and little boy as well as how one of them slammed their hands on the ground to throw everyone off the cliff.

In fact they missed the entire conversation. So they, alongside everyone else were sent flying down the hill. Thinking fast Asami created an ice ramp to catch herself Kichirou and whoever else would land on it allowing them to all slide down the cliff and land somewhat unscathed from the fall.

"Nice save." Tokoyami nodded as Aoyama swiftly got up and posed as he was also saved by the ice.

"Feel free to use your quirks in our domain as you see fit!" Asami looked up at the heroine calling down to them "You have three hours! Use your own feet to get to the camp! Through...this magic forest of magic beasts!!" Asami sighed.

"Hit the nail right in the head." Kichirou chuckled.

Right then a beast appeared. Koda tried to calm it down but it didn't work. It kept heading straight for Mineta who had ran forward.

Before it could hit either of the two boys, four jumped into action. Bakugou, Iida, Midoriya and Shoto hit the mud creature causing it to blow up. While everyone sighed in relief the sound of Bakugou's loud explosion coupled with the dirt crumbling had a negative effect on the two kids joining them. It sounded like the walls collapsing.

They froze eyes wide and body shaking. Without knowing, they began to cry.


You know, after writing this chapter I read some comments and I saw some of you were right about how they'd fear the sound of Katsuki's explosion going off. Especially if he connected it with something cement like or in this case, solidified dirt.

You guys seem so close.

Now I have bad news.

Asami plays a large role in the events that happen in cannon. So everything after season five. I don't want to spoil  the manga for anime only watchers. I never want to do that.

In that sense. I think I'll have to end the book earlier than I'd want it to. After this arc.

Eri and continuing will be a book two. It hurts my soul for this...

And to make it worse I have an idea for Izuku as well. But again not posting it cause she plays an even bigger role for Izuku and until the manga gets animated I don't want to spoil anything. (Until I think it's too much and posts it on a whim)

But!! I have a story. An A.U about Dabi and Asami. It's purely WIP but I like the idea.


Dabi, a banished prince turns dark lord finds out that he has a little sister born to a family of only men for the past eight generations (Fuyumi is a boy. Yes. A boy named Fuyumi). He decides to visit only to spot along the way seeing a burning house.

He hears screams and jumps in to find his dead mother and a baby girl covered in ice magic keeping her alive. He takes her and disappears. Going back to his own kingdom with, who he knew as his sister Asami.


I got the idea from the reincarnation manwha I does be reading. It's like a mix of them with my own twist. I want it filled with fluff! And nothing but- okay maybe some angst here and there and some betrayal sprinkled on top of death. The usual.

When this book finishes I think I'll give it a try. If I still have the idea. Meh that's all, ja ne!

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