Chapter : 18

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Regina's Pov

"Why can't she for once listen to me, I don't understand what pleasure she gets out of disobeying me" I complained while walking my way out of the Hospital.

This time she will regret her decision!!

I was on my way to Ave's house and I was furious, she should have known better than to even think off disobeying me.

Once there I parked my car in the driveway right next to her car which was lacking a door, weird.

Stepping out of my car I took my time to look at her car. She drove this to the hospital and that made me panic. Is she alright ??

I rang the bell but no one answered, that made me more worried about her and after like the sixth time she opened the door and as soon as her eyes landed on me, I saw panic rise up in those pair of beautiful eyes, as it should be.

She was about to close the door on me when I forced it open to which she tumbled down on the floor. Her eyes stayed up on me while I locked the door behind my back.

"Are you hungry babegirl ??" And that was enough to have her exactly where I wanted her to be.

"I...I am sorry Regina, I had to to pee so bad and I I wanted to go to the I came home" She was a stuttering mess.

"How about a classic ratatouille ?? And not to mention we have like 20 Bathroom stall's on each floor in our hospital and a special for staff members, really Ave that was a lame excuse" I remarked as I took my coat off and hung it up on the coat rack.

"Get up Ave, the least you can do is stop being so dramatic" with that said I walked my way inside the hall and towards the kitchen and heard her footsteps right behind me.

Placing my purse and cell phone down on the counter top I washed my hands and browsed through the shelves and the fridge, all I saw was junk food, junk food and more junk food meanwhile Ave stood there behind me embarrassed as she watched me shake my head with a sigh.

"This is all you eat ??" I asked not even bothering to look at her embarrassed self or for an answer, "Yeh well that explains your medical history" I concluded.

Grabbing my phone, I ordered groceries online and the delivery was in an hour. Great!!

"Groceries will be here in an hour so in the meantime do you want to talk about why you didn't come to my office when called and instead left" I offered her a chance to come out with whatever it was she had on her mind. I saw the way she ignored me the whole day, something was not right.

She just stood there with her eyes down, the silence was killing me and her not being able to communicate was hurting me even more.

"Ave come here" I called her but she just decided to not listen again and as much as I hate being disobeyed, I wanted to discipline her but I knew this can break her.

"Babegirl I just want to talk" I said to which she looked up at me and slowly walked her way towards me.

I picked her up and sat her down on the counter top, "You know I don't like it when you disobey me, so now do you want to tell me why you just left when I clearly asked for you to be in my office" I stated as I took her hands in mine.

"I thought you didn't want me...since you asked Jill to head the team and she made me work in the Psychiatric ward instead of Letting me atleast help the patients, not that I mind working in the Psychiatric ward but I thought you didn't want me..." She explained and I can see her at the edge of regression.

"Babe look at me" and she slowly looked me in the eyes, she had tears in them, "Yes, I did ask her to lead the team and that has nothing to do with not wanting you help the victims, you were late Ave and if you weren't late today for work then you would have been the one leading the team" she had to know this now, I do care for her but Black Hospital for me is a way to bring us vampires, werewolves, witches, humans and all other species together so they can live together one day sharing resources and helping each other without having that urge to protect themselves from each other.

We can't always live like this, hidden from human beings, they need to know we exist and that we are not what they think we are Monsters, we are far from that fictional characters in movies and novels who kill people for no good reason, and for once I just want our species to roam freely and associate themselves like humans do cuz as much as this earth we live on is their it's ours as well.

"You don't understand do are an intern for Black Hospital and that's something you are taking very lightly, I have plans for making a better and safe future for everyone here Ave..." And that is when I realized that I was being way to harsh on her with telling her everything, she was not in a mindset for any of this.

"All I am saying is you were late and that's why I gave Jill a chance to head the team today and that has nothing to do with not liking you or wanting you there helping the patients. I did sent Joshua to look for you when I couldn't find you among the staff helping the victims" I tried to handle this as calmly as I could.

"I didn't know Jill asked you to help the Psychiatric ward Ave, it's after Joshua told me everything that happened and that's why I asked you in the office to hear all of what happened but instead you decide to just you always do" I said wanting her to understand that leaving is not always a solution.

"Sowwy mommy" that said she hugged me, "I I scarwed, but won doit again" she said and hearing her call me that brought back all the memories with Camryn, I can't even express how much I wanted to hear this ever since I lost her.

Camryn died just to save me from Lezabel, I remember her lifeless body on my lap and her colorless heart which once was radiating life with her body. Nope I won't let anything happen to Ave, Never!!

To be continued...

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