Chapter : 17

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Ave's Pov

I have been avoiding both Regina and Jill the whole day and right now I was about to leave since my shift was over and I am tired as fuck but I was called in by Regina in her office and I had two options, to either present myself up there in her office or to just leave and guess what I chose.

Yes people I chose freedom, walking right out of the hospital doors and into the parking, I got in my car and drove myself out of the Hospital grounds, on my way home I picked up Vanilla Ice-Cream Bucket, yeh don't judge me cuz with everything going on in my life at least this Ice-Cream is simple inside out!!

I was in the middle of the forest and on the road driving when shadow like thing appeared in-front of me out of nowhere. I was quick enough with brakes as my car slid it's way towards the figure while it stayed right there in-front of me.

Once when the car was out of motion, I stepped out and looked at figure who was still there. If I wasn't recently changed to god knows what and hadn't seen whatever in these past few days then for sure I would be scared as hell with this whole scene but I am pretty sure I have had enough of it all. Walking closer to where it was I tried to see the face but I couldn't, the figure wore a long black cloak covering every inch of the body, "Who are you ??" I asked walking towards the figure which now had a wand that I failed to see when I was in my car, definitely not scary at all...

"Don't...Don't come any closer" a woman's voice it was and I think I have heard it before somewhere and with every step I took, she took a step back.

"Who the hell are you and why can't I ??" to be honest I didn't even want to know the answer of the latter.

"It doesn't matter as to who I am, what matters is for you to understand that our side of the world is ready for a war with yours" she said and I was confused, since the information she gave was now not enough for my mind to process and the biggest question is why choose me to deliver such a terrible message, why not a president after all its about war between world.

"Okay let me stop you right there Ma'am, I am not the right person you should be making an appearance to, last time I checked I was just an intern in the Black Hospital and not a president" and with that I turned and walked back to where my car was, I want no part of this besides that I don't even know what all things exist outside and neither am I interested in knowing. 

Opening the door to my car I was about to get in when the woman shoots something which melts the car door gradually Turning it into ash. 

And that wasn't all!!

"Okay that was rude" I wanted to say more than that but we wouldn't want someone who can turn things into ash angry, now would we ?

Although it was a million dollar car but it's okay I am fine.

"Listen to me, now I can't explain you everything but there's something you will have to do for me and for all your people" she said as I watch her glide her way through the air towards me as she then stopped few feet away from where I was.

Suddenly I felt hot, it was as if the sun came down on earth.

I watch her go back to where she was and that I assume what will happen If I get any closer to where she was.

"Why should I believe you, how can I even trust you I don't even know you and you just said your side of the world is ready to attack ours and you expect me to do something for you which can potentially help you conquer us all, give me one good reason why should I do what you want me to do" I don't even know her and she expects me do whatever.

She takes off her headpiece revealing a half human and half burned face, even the human side of her face was barely recognizable if it weren't for the dreams I had of Emma, "I never said we will attack your side of the world, the war was destined to be and there are many unworldly participants then you would know, you will just have to trust my word for now Ave" she stated, I have no idea where this is going. I will probably get myself killed one of these days for sure!!

"All I want you to do is find my body, you will have to go back where it all ended...there is an old temple hidden in the caves deep within the forest, you will find my body there buried" she explained in a hurry.

"Your body haha...Okay I agree I have been involved with a lot of blood sucking activities lately but this whole...finding your body thing is really making me feel uncomfortable, you are scaring me" there it was out, the truth. First of all I never signed up for any of this, I wanted a simple life and now here I am listening to a half burned woman who so happens to be in my dreams. It's either all hell is loosing here on earth or I am just crazy high on weed, the latter one so happens to be my wish!!

"and also where it all ended ? How would I know where it all ended I hardly know you" I added.

"I will explain everything later I promise Ave, I can't trust anyone other than you right now and you know know everything you just have to tap into your subconscious, you have seen everything, have even watched it all end Ave. You were the chosen one and still are one that means you won't ever die instead you will transfer bodies and that Regina and I learned a hard way" she mentioned.

"That's a lot to take in for now but why can't you trust Regina?" I asked to which she looked away from me, as if she was contemplating on something.

"What is it ? if you want me to do what you want me to do then I need to know why can't you trust Regina when clearly she is much more experienced and capable of this then I am" if she can't trust Regina then there's something wrong cut from what I saw in my dreams they both were pretty close to each other.

"I never said I don't trust her, it's just I don't trust people around her and I would suggest you the same don't trust everyone you come across. They may seem like they care but it's just a facade Ave. Be careful of who you trust" she said and it made sense, you can't always trust people around you no matter how much you care for them.

"Right and just how am I supposed to know where exactly is your body buried hidden, I can't be digging the whole place there" yeh If there's any truth in what she said then I am her only hope.

She offered me a black box, which she carefully placed it down for me on the road and slowly backed off, "Take this and keep it safe Ave, a part of my heart is in here and it will help you locate the other half part of my heart. Make sure you don't open it yet, just when you are there and the heart inside the box is anywhere near to the other half of my heart it will start glowing that's when you open the box"  she described.

"Got it, just take this box to the place where you are resting peacefully, not at all creepy I would say" that said I walked towards where the box was placed while I was picking it up she disappeared.

To be Continued...

Lemme know what you think of this plot ?! 

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