Chapter 7

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             A pair of adults held Annie close to their chest, encaging her with two pairs of arms. They were sobbing their eyes out, face flushed with scarlet tint, and tears trailed down from their rosy cheeks. But it wasn't from embarrassment, but rather from unrestrained anxieties and worries that they had for her. A woman, whose appearance resembles hers, cried her heart out. While a man with fiery, slicked-back hair stifled his hiccups. Annie was motionless in their grasp; she couldn't reciprocate the feelings that she had been bombarded with. For a moment, she felt like she had once encountered this kind of scenario before. She knew that she was out of commission for two weeks, but to meet with her parents made her extremely uneased.

They were the ones who began to compare the current her to the previous Annie. She had to endure it for quite some time. But it was a miracle that the boy, Senku, was able to catch on and dealt with it. She was grateful to him, but it doesn't mean that she can rest around him. From time to time, Senku would suddenly utter a random trivia about previous Annie. But she was fine from that.

At least, that's what she thought. She hid her real feelings behind the façade. After the first meltdown she had ever experienced, she planned to never have it again.

But Senku's keen eyes would never deceive him. Annie found him to be extremely observant, almost too perceptive for a ten-year-old boy. But she too was secretly gathering intel on the boy. From what she had gathered by eavesdropping from the nurses, they were talking about a young boy genius who had been entering and exiting room 520 like it's his own house. He was inquisitive, cynical, and pragmatic.

Two out of three traits were not inherently found in a pre-adolescent child. But only time will tell. No matter how little patience she had, there's no denying that she had to wait for the information to unravel itself.


After what seems to be sincere waterworks from her parents, Annie was escorted by Senku to her room. Just by the flowery door tag installed on the door, she could readily figure out what kind of kid Annie was. It was no surprise that the room reflects the childhood innocence that she once had. The room was clean and furnished, not a speck of dust was littered anywhere.

"Your parents were hoping for your fast recovery. They've been airing out your room almost every day." Senku informed. He gestured me to step inside the room. When Annie's feet touched the soft carpet, an aroma of sweet rose and daisy engaged her nose. Flowers were arranged somewhat sloppily in a blue vase. It was placed next to a slightly opened window. Annie just smiled at the flowers.

"I like roses and daisies." She stated. She didn't even need to search far and wide for the culprit behind the subpar flower arrangement, because he was right behind her. For two weeks, Shishio-nii delivered flowers diligently. It didn't take long for Senku to notice her fondness towards decorative flowers.

"My dad and I will stay here for dinner." Senku just flopped on the bed, using plushies as his pillow. "For the meantime, I'll just have to babysit you, and prevent you from incurring any more unnecessary injuries." He yawned, watching Annie with his half-lidded rufescent eyes.

"There's nothing you will worry about." A sudden glint of light came from the desk, Annie stride toward and found a pink notebook with a gold locket. The keyhole-shaped is very uncanny...

Her hands unconsciously touched the accessory on her neck, startling her from her stupor. The key to the locket was her necklace. She carefully removed the necklace and shoved the key into the hole, hearing a satisfying click from it. She turned a page from it and read the content.

Dear Diary,

Mama and Baba gave me this notebook on my birthday! They were very sad that I did not have XXfirendXX friend. But I am okay being alone! Mama and Baba are busy, so I play with myself. But no worries, I will be a good girl!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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