Chapter 5

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Three hundred sixteen thousand and eight hundred...

The deep viridescent eyes fluttered open. The first thing she saw was the blinding white ceiling above her. The abrasive smell of omnipresent antiseptic invaded her nose, the sheets under her made her felt even more uncomfortable.

Three hundred sixteen thousand and eight hundred one...

Her throat was raw. She noticed a plastic cup was covering her nose and her lips, pumping oxygen into her system while she expelled carbon dioxide.

She continued to scan her body; the soreness decided to intensify causing her to groan a bit.

And for some reason, her head and her waist were pounding like crazy.

Three hundred sixteen thousand and eight hundred two...

Her head feels hazy, and her eyelids were getting heavier. An iron scent replaced the classic hospital aroma. Where did that stench coming from?

The door suddenly opened; her viridescent eyes met a pair of rufescent eyes. The latter was looking at her with shock and trepidation. She was confused, what was he look at...

Her chin suddenly feels moist, she tilted her head downward and spotted scarlet droplets staining against the pearl white bed sheet covering her lower half body. She raised her head to made eye contact with the boy.

Three hundred sixteen thousand and eight hundred three...

Her chapped lips trembled, splitting in the process, she uttered one word.



The doctors came rushing to attend to her. Cleaning everything, checking and writing something into the clipboard. They told the boy to call them in case of something happening to her before exiting the room.

Leaving those two children in the spacious and ambient room. Neither of them said a word, only warily looking and scanning each other. Pushing away any cautiousness in favor of striking up a conversation.

"How long had I been asleep?" She asked. Her hand lifted from the bed sheet, combing her tangled azure locks with one hand.

"Three days and sixteen hours." The boy answered, he proceeds to pull a chair from the side and placed it beside the hospital bed. He settled himself onto the uncomfortable plastic chair that the hospital offered. "How are you feeling right now?" Questioned, the boy.

Feeling slightly invaded, she stayed silent for a moment before opening her lips for the answer.

"My head is currently bombarded with series of migraines. My body is sore and throbbing, especially around the abdominal area..." She paused, taking the liberty to stare into the rufescent eyes of the person sitting perpendicular to her.

"For some reason, I do not recall anything happen prior to this moment."

At this very moment, Senku's blood ran cold. Cursing against fate, he braced for the worst-case scenario unfolding right in front of his very own eyes.

"Who are you?"


"It seems like your daughter has been diagnosed with Retrograde amnesia." The doctor stated, looking over the MRI scan of what seems to be a brain X-ray. "She had sustained a blow to the hippocampus which caused her to have memory loss. However, she shows no signs of inability to remember the current or future events. She might be able to make new memories such as now; retrieving previous memories, on the other hand, might be difficult."

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