Chapter 5: Bean Bag

Start from the beginning

Bro Bro
Ngl it's odd that he
trusts you after one
day. Sort of off-topic,
but you care if I swing
by your house after you
get off work?

Yeah idc. I'll text
you when I get off.

Once I finished texting Kai, it was time for me to shower and get dressed before waking the twins up. We didn't have a morning dance session this morning, but there was a small food fight during breakfast. An apple a day only keeps the doctor away when said apple isn't flying at your face while you're trying to cook bacon. After breakfast I gave Janet a call before we left the house to double-check that she would be at Devin's today. She sounded excited over the phone when she told me she would be. I couldn't help but wonder what 'an offer she just couldn't refuse' actually entailed.

I pulled into the same parking spot as I had yesterday and began the process of getting the kids out of the back. As I was getting Joseph out of the car I felt a tap on my right shoulder that scared me enough that I jumped and hit my head on the interior roof of the car.

"Ow, dammit," I said holding the top of my head as I turned around to find Devin smirking down at me.

"Bubby said a bad word, Bubby said a bad word!" the twins sang in unison.

"Sorry for the fright, I didn't know if you knew where to take the kids," he said clearly holding back a chuckle.

I felt myself flush a bit from embarrassment, "I didn't, I thought about calling you to ask but I wasn't sure you'd be up."

"I promised Allie I would go easy on you for at least the first few days, so here I am," Devin said before kneeling down to the twins, "You two are going to love the playroom."

"Can we go to the playroom now, Bubby?"

"Please?" the twins begged.

"Of course, you care to show us the way?" I asked Devin.

"For sure, follow me!" he said skipping off ahead towards the house with both of the boys following closely behind. I couldn't help but smile watching the three of them. Seeing the twins happy about being here eased a lot of the anxiety I'd been feeling.

I followed the trio into the foyer and down a set of stairs in the back center of the room that I hadn't been able to explore yet. At the bottom was a gate that was probably meant to keep the children off the stairs. Behind it was a child's dream. The room had at least fifteen-foot tall ceilings with a warm orange color of paint covering the ceiling and the walls. The left side of the room had a turfed area with a playground set built atop it, near the center of the room I saw a sitting area with a big TV currently playing cartoons, the right side of the room had a decent sized kitchen and a hallway that I assumed led to a nap room and bathroom.

"This place is amazing Devin," I told him as the twins took off for the playground set.

"It was Allie's idea, she said if we could keep our workers' kids happy then we could keep them happy."

I nodded in agreement, "Where's Janet?"

"I'm right here," I heard her say coming out of the hallway with a few kids in tow behind her, "Don't worry about the boys, I've got everything under control."

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