So Beautiful

110 51 32

There is a girl that I really love a lot
She possesses beauty that others do not
She is amazing in her own little way
She makes me proud, I'm glad to say

The world stops when she smiles at me
It melts me and makes me weak
It allures me, I want a kiss
Because damn, she is so attractive

When she looks at me her eyes speak
For her brown eyes are so attractive
And that time, I see an overwhelming sights
Like the Starry, Starry Night

She is sweet and a bit spicy
When she's sweet she becomes clingy
When spicy not hot but she's angry
But I love her as much as unconditionally

Others say she is fragile but she's not
Boldness and braveness that's all she's got
Because of this, I awe her a lot
She is amazing, a girl with a knack

She's always positive in all matters
She likes to give happiness to others
I have only wish to our Heavenly Father
To protect her please, forever

My love for her is so deep
She's special to me and she'll always be
She is my life...
The love of my lifetime


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