2521-2540 Su Luo's Birth - devine egg

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  Do not look at the clear sky and uncles now, a hundred years ago in On the mainland, that violent temper caused great chaos in the world, and the name of the violent lion king back then was not for nothing.

  Su Luo smiled and said, "I don't need to kneel."

  No matter how much the old man's status is respected, she doesn't need to kneel.

  The Fourth Elder was anxious: "Kneel now!"

  He was really not joking!

  The most annoying uncle and his old man is other people's unruliness, no big or small, that is, his old man has lived in seclusion here for decades, and the group of young men in the upper mountain did not live in dire straits.

  At this time, the violent lion king had already turned around.

  Su Luo's eyes flickered when he saw him at the first glance.

  What kind of face is this?

  His body is as thin as wood, and his robe can almost fly on top of him, but his head is big, his face is covered with beard, and his head is bigger.

  Raging Lion King, looking at this head, it really meant a bit of Raging Lion King.

  The violent Lion King saw Su Luo Luoluo standing there generously, motionless, but the Fourth Elder kept pulling her to kneel, and couldn't help but feel amused.

  "Come here." Su Luo, the violent lion dynasty, beckoned.

  "Oh~" Su Luo took a step forward and wanted to pass. The raging lion king with a smile, doesn't look scary at all.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 2523 Seriously injured 7

  But the four elders pulled her back hard and raised their heads to smile at the violent lion king: "Uncle, this girl is still young and has a stubborn temper. She has a short time in the upper reaches of the mountain and has no rules. Learn, your elders have a large number..." The

  four elders know that the violent lion king likes to use the lion king's palm to test the cultivation of students.

  But the problem is that those who can come here in previous years are at least the top three in the Long List. How can Su Luo stand a pounding by his old man? I'm afraid I will be crushed immediately.

  "Long-winded." The violent lion king gave the fourth elder angrily, raised his eyes and smiled and waved to Su Luo: "Girl, ignore him, come here." It

  's like a weird millet who uses sugar to entice children. .

  The Fourth Elder looked at Su Luo anxiously, wanted to hold her, but he didn't dare to pull, and couldn't hold it, so he could only watch Su Luo walk by... The

  fourth elder looked at Su Luo with pity in his eyes. .

  The palm of the lion king, the most violent lion king likes to use to the younger generation, this is basically his way of greeting.

  At that time, Luo Yichen, who was already third on the Dragon List, flew out directly after the lion king's palm, unable to climb up, and he vomited blood for a whole month.

  At that time, the violent lion king smiled like this before he took the palm.

  The four elders turned their backs, really afraid to look.

  At this time, Su Luo took a relaxed step, with his hands behind his back, and walked over as if he walked easily, leisurely beside the violent lion king, took out his own futon, and sat down casually.

The Demonic King Chases His Wife(2001-3207 WEDDING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora