Chapter 8

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Jimin had to admit, the first day of orientation was entertaining.

First there was the drama between Raina and Jin's ex, then once the tents had all been set up all the campers were treated to their first meal of the weekend (lots and lots of ramen), the kicker had been the announcement that the nights festivities centered around a bon fire and talent show.

Shrieks of joy and pain echoed through the crowd.  Joy from those majoring in the performing Arts and painful sounds of future humiliation from those wishing to study and teach about art without actually doing any of it.

But with the amount of alcohol everyone consumed before hand, Jimin knew most of them would be horribly drunk, lessening any fear of failure for those who were still sober while all the liquid courage the others drank made it so they no longer cared if they embarrassed themselves or not.

But as the participants began to dwindle, he realized two people were missing. For some reason the knowledge that Raina and Jin were missing at the same time and probably together seriously bothered him.

So he gave Yoongi some excuse about the bathroom or something, he honestly wasn't sure what he told him, and set out to find them.

Jimin searched for what felt like hours before he finally located them, confirming that they were indeed together.

They were on the dock facing away from him, so he carefully crept closer to eaves drop on the pair.

Jin: I'm glad we've cleared everything up. It really bothered me to know you thought I had lied to you and used you.  I already felt bad about your first time being the result of my own dare.

Raina: Oh My God Jin! Stop it! I already told you if it hadn't been you it probably would have been some frat boy who wouldn't have been a fraction of the attentive and amazing lover you were.  So I for one am extremely grateful you were my first.  It was fantastic and you never made me feel awkward nor did it ever hurt. So thank you.

As Jimin listened, he felt a strange ache in his chest as he heard confirmation that Jin had taken her virginity.

Jin: You know, now that Borah's out of the picture, we could just make it official and date.

Raina looked into his eyes and let her gaze travel his face, stopping on his sumptuous lips she knew felt and tasted as good as they looked. 

But when she thought of tying herself to just one guy again, she couldn't help the shudder that swept through her. Jin's brows flew up into his hairline which caused her to giggle.

Raina: As handsome, sexy, funny and excellent in the sack as you are I'm gonna have to take a pass.  I won't say no to a casual thing with occasional hook-ups, but I'm finally a free woman and I plan on exploring my sexuality as much as possible while I can.

A huge smile broke across both Jin and Jimin's faces.  Jimin's was out of relief, but Jin was already planning their next sexual adventure he couldn't wait to experience with her.

He gently stroked her cheek turning her to angle her face perfectly to accept his kiss, causing Jimin to panic and call out to them before their lips could connect.

"There you are!!!! The acts are dwindling down so you guys should probably get back over there to take your turns!" He called out causing the pair to jump from the surprise of almost getting caught making out.

Raina huffed out a breath of annoyance and shot daggers at the nosy little jerk who kept popping up all over the place.  She was starting to suspect he really was the same Jimin from her dreams.

Jin chuckled at her reaction and grabbed her hand; whispering in her ear, " we can finish this some other time when we have a little more privacy."

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