Chapter 5

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The next morning, Jimin and Jungkook woke early so Jungkook could catch the train home to Busan.

Jimin was exhausted from a lack of sleep. Jin had hooked up with some chick and they were loud as fuck.  He had no idea how Jungkook slept through it.

Then he was tortured even more once he fell asleep.

Not only had Raina gotten drunk and let him in again, but she was dreaming about having loud ass sex with some guy and they were just as loud as Jin-hyung and his hook-up.

So he felt like he had gotten zero sleep and still had to get Kook to the train station.

He drug himself out of bed and out to the living room, where they found Taehyung asleep on the couch. 

Jimin tiredly tucked his new friend back in, completely jealous at how soundly he was sleeping, and left.

When he got back, Jin was sipping on a cup of coffee with a dopey look on his face.

"No need to ask why you're happy, I'm sure the entire dorm heard you last night. 

Just do me a favor and warn me next time you plan to lay a screamer, that way I can put some ear plugs in." Jimin groused at him as he filled his own cup with coffee.

"Yah! I'm still older than you so show a little respect! Besides, last night wasn't planned. But I am very glad it happened."  Jin grinned into his cup as he thought about the previous night again and the fact she was still asleep in his room.

"In fact," Jin stood and placed his cup in the sink. " since she's still laying in Suga's bed, all alone, I think I'll go keep her warm."

Jin left the room wearing a huge grin with lust filling his eyes and a very noticeable tent in his boxers.

"Oh come on!!!!" Jimin called, "I was hoping to get some sleep!"

Jimin began trying to think of some place he could go to get a little peace and rest when he heard Jin's door open again.

Thinking it was Suga, he turned back around and called out to his hyung.

"Guess you didn't get much sleep either, there's coffee made."

"Oh, thanks but I'll just wait til I get to the cafe." A very feminine and definitely not Suga voice replied, and he spun around just in time see Jin kissing a familiar looking woman with auburn hair in their open door before she turned and walked out.

'No fucking way! You have got to be kidding me!' He thought as he finally recognized her.

Before he could question Jin on the girl, someone began banging on their door.

Jin smiled hugely, thinking Raina had changed her mind and came back.  However, he was not expecting what greeted him on the other side.

"Who the fuck is this bitch and why is she leaving your room in your clothes?!?!?!"

"Borah????" Jin gasped as he opened their door to find his pissed off girlfriend and the girl who just left.

Jimin flew to the door and confirmed he hadn't been seeing things. There she stood, her hazel eyes sparkling with hurt and understanding, wearing Jin's t-shirt and boxers.

His childhood best-friend he had only known in his dreams, was standing five feet away. 

He was shook to his core just seeing her there, but his shock faded as he realized she looked at him like she didn't know him.

It had to be like Kook said, even if she looked identical, she couldn't possibly be Raina.

Then she spoke and his knees nearly gave out.

"Look Jin, I don't know what's going but I need to get ready for breakfast and my clothes are still packed. Thanks for letting me borrow these.  And since Suga got out of his wake up call, tell him he owes you." She deftly covered for Jin.

"Yeah, no problem. By the way, Raina meet my girlfriend Bora. She was too busy to join us last night. Bora, this is Raina. She's one of Hobi and Namjoon's new roommates." Jin smoothly introduced the women.

"Oh, Raina and Bora, this here is Jimin." He introduced tossing his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders. "He's one of my new roommates."

The woman he's dreamed about since childhood smiled wide at him before giving a slight bow in greeting.

"You missed out on all the fun last night and some great pizza.  I hope you got your friend sent off well." She commented to him.

But he was so shocked he barely registered her words and just stood there, staring at her, until Jin slightly nudged him.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, he left about an hour ago. And sorry for spacing out.  I didn't get much sleep last night.  Some couple was obnoxiously loud and kept me up."

He smirked at her when he saw a familiar spark in her eyes, showing she caught what he meant, but she continued to smile.

"No problem, it sucks when you can't sleep.  Luckily I got a great workout in just before bed and I slept like a log." Raina replied with her own smirk.

Their entire exchange made Jin more and more nervous. "You should probably hurry, your friends are waiting for you.  Like I said earlier, you can just give the clothes back whenever you get the chance." He slightly bowed to Raina and she returned it before turning to leave a still shocked Jimin and a contrite Bora to a very relieved Jin.

Once both doors were closed, Jimin excused himself to his room.  He decided he better get some sleep.

It all had to be a coincidence, because she clearly hadn't recognized him.  But he just couldn't shake the suspicion that she really was HIS Raina.

He slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep while, unknown to him, Raina was having an internal meltdown next door.

She had just met the boy from her dreams, but he didn't even know her.

Or did he???


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