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"No" said Lauren again and tried to go forward but was pulled behind by Camila harshly hurting her


"If you have time to spend with that girl than you will time also for me" said Camila getting closer to Lauren, who pulled her more closer and looking through her eyes said

" I DON'T CARE , I'm going to your room" unlacing herself from Camila she went upstairs

"Why are you making this difficult talk to me" asked a little sad Camila, Lauren never behaved like this

"You are supposed to be my friend and friends talk it out" said Camila trying to open up Lauren but she just triggered her more

"You KNOW WHAT FRIENDS ACTUALLY DO? not talk shit about their friends "

"I n-"

"Don't even try to say otherwise or that you didn't because I heard you not once but twice and most importantly we CAN NEVER BE JUST FRIENDS and you know very well why!?"

"No I don't Lauren?! Explain " said Camila trying to understand Lauren turning her forcefully so they were face to face hurting Lauren again.

"Because I simply can't, you mean a lot more to me, I see as my...." Tried to explain Lauren but soon was stopped by Camila

"Don't please, you mean a lot to me don't ruin this because now and forever the only thing we can be is friends, I love Shawn so dearly and I can't broke his heart " at this point not even camila was sure of her statement

"I KNOW, I KNOW IT'S HURTS MORE KNOWING IT BELIEVE ME IF IT WAS ON I WOULD JUST LIKE TO AMNESIA AND FORGOT THE DAY WE MET, FORGET HOW MUCH I CARE, FORGET HOW MUCH I LOVE unfortunately I can't because it doesn't depends on me but I can do one thing which stay away from you " said Lauren with a broken voice, she never thought she will ever be able to say this however with everything going on and the pain she is currently going through for once she just let go

"Lau-" Camila was about to say something but was interrupted by Lauren phone ringing

Hey Laur I know you told me you won't be needing my help anymore but I just wondering if you need me again said Lucy still thinking if Lauren is ok as she was pretty hurt after the accident, Lauren was hurt and embarrassed after telling camila her feelings so the only thing left in her head was to runaway from there

Lucy don't worry I'm all good but if want we can meet answered Lauren still with a broken voice instantly Lucy knew something was up

Laur are you sure you are alright? Asked Lucy a little worried

I am a- camila took Lauren phone and hang up

"This is how much you love me?" Said camila showing Lauren her phone

"Give me back" asked Lauren

"No " Lauren knew it was useless arguing so she saw the tesla's key on the table so she took to leave

"Were are you going?" Asked camila panicked but the green eyed girl didn't even utter a word

"Are you going to your gf house?" Said camila again trying to provocate Lauren but it didn't, once Lauren opened the door camila got in

"Camila please go I need to stay alone for a while " pleaded Lauren

"When you say alone you mean with Lucy?" It was getting pretty irritating so she answered "Yes why does it matter "

"Because it does, you confuse me everyday, you are like the worst and the best person in my life and still I don't know how to deal with it " said the brown eyed girl with sincerity

"Camila please get out or I'll drive with you in the car " said Lauren lastly

"I don't care drive " exclaimed camila.

As Lauren phone was connected with the car, they were constantly getting phone call from Lucy so Lauren answered

LAUR ARE YOU OK? Asked a little panicked

I'm alright and I'm sorry I had a problem before but I will talk with you later said Lauren as she can still hear in Lucy's voice how scared she was

Thank god I was literally half dying without hearing anything back from you explained Lucy with a happy explanation

Why are you so dramatic??? She is in good hands now BYE said camila before hanging up

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Yelled Lauren now totally irritated with camila's behaviour

"This " answered camila before locking their lips together


Sorry a lot happened in this past weeks, I passed my exams, I had my birthday and my brother literally got married so sorry for the late update

I am aware that you guys are waiting but unfortunately I'm so busy that I don't have time to even sleep.
Few days ago I moved in Scotland but now I'm back in Italy for some personal issues and to finish my school year.
I kind of lost 40 days of school which I need to study in this 2 weeks to pass my school.
So I'm really sorry but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to update. However I'll try as soon as I'm free.

Never wished for you (Camren & Norminah)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum