"Yes, what am I?" Jeremy questions.

Rosalie hums softly and speaks up. "You are a guard of the dead, but you don't guard those that have died you guard me, the Mistress of Death." Rosalie explains. "You are tasked with keeping me 'safe' and making sure that no one will cause me harm in anyway."

"What can I do, power wise?"

Rosalie smirks. "You essentially have the same divine power as Death, but you aren't as powerful as him, you can shadow travel, make any weapon appear, you can touch a person and render them dead but that is limited to one person a month, you can control the shadows as well, and my personal favourite you can control the dead such as ghosts, dead bodies, demons, and vampires yada, yada." Rosalie says to him, Jeremy blinks in astonishment.

"Cool!" Jeremy exclaims, grinning wildly.

"Oh and you're immortal as well." Rosalie adds in, Jeremy was about to ask another question when the front door was broken. The wood slamming into the stairs, glass shattering everywhere.

"Jeremy!" The voice of Elena cried out as she raced inside.

Rosalie growled as she realised that her father must have invited her in at some point in time. Jeremy blinked as Elena stormed into the kitchen only to stop as she saw him eating pancakes, bacons, eggs, and toast. "Elena, what the hell are you doing?" Jeremy questioned shocked with his adopted sisters antics.

"I'm saving you!" Elena screeched. "But apparently your all goody, goody with the enemy!"

Jeremy sighed annoyed with his sister. "Rosalie and Tom have done nothing to anyone here, just because she is Klaus's daughter doesn't mean she's going to try and kill everyone!" Jeremy cried out.

"Oh, really, so is that why Bonnie has a broken nose and I had to heal for twelve hours huh!" Elena yelled.

"You attacked her first!" Jeremy accused, standing from his place quickly and knocking the chair over, his chest heavying as he glared at Elena. "God, why can't you just understand for once in your life that they aren't after you, they are on their damn honeymoon!" Jeremy continued to yell, Rosalie and Tom watching on quietly, both taking note of the shadows reacting to Jeremy's anger and frustration. "And guess what Elena not everything is. About. You!" Jeremy shouted as the shadows in the room spun out of control and wrapped around Elena, bringing her to her knees.

Elena gasped in shock as she watched Jeremy's eyes turn dark as night, snarls leaving his lips. "Jeremy." Elena whimpered.

Rosalie stood from her place at the table and walked behind Jeremy, her arms slipping around his waist. "Jeremy, if you kill her, you will only feel guilt." Rosalie whispered into his ear as the shadows tightened on Elena. Her fingers softly gliding over his shirt. He shivered at her touch as he relaxed.

"She brings nothing but misery into everyone's lives, I've died for her, everyone has risked their lives for her, and they still do." Jeremy whispered as his hands wrapped around Rosalie's. The girl listening to every word. "If she was gone, Mystic Falls would be a safe place again."

"Jeremy," Elena gasped in shock hearing the words coming from him. "You would kill me?"

"Yes I would, and I will." Jeremy stated, as he moved from Rosalie's hold.

"Jeremy, if you do this, there is no turning back." Rosalie whispered. Jeremy stopped just in front of Elena who pleaded to the boy.

"Good riddance to the bad luck of Mystic Falls." Jeremy whispers as Elena's tears fall down her face, blubbering her pleas as Jeremy's hand moved to her face. Closing his eyes he places his hand on her forehead. Softly taking a breath in Jeremy pushes the dark power into Elena.

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