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Third Pov

Dick sat in bed. Choughing, sneezing and feeling terrible. He hadn't had a cold in years, so now, it felt like his body had forgotten how to fight it off. A pile of tissues was next to him on the table and it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

"How are you feeling?" A soft voice said. It was Wally who had a comforting smile on his face. In his hands he held a tray.
"I feel terrible." Dick mumbled while Wally put the tray on Dick's lap.
"I made you soup." He said while sitting down at the edge of the bed.

No matter how often Dick told Wally to stay away and keep distance because he didn't want him to get sick too, Wally still came back. That was one of the things Dick hated but also loved about Wally.

"Thanks, Wally." Dick said with a weak smile.
"So, how was patrol last night? Is there anything new? Did you hear from Bruce about Jason?" Dick asked.
Wally sighed.
"I just spoke to Alfred over the phone and he said that Bruce meet Jason while he's searching for his mother..." Dick raised his eye brow. "What do you mean? His mother is dead, Wally."
"Well it seems like his stepmother is dead but Alfred didn't said much about it." Dick nodded slowly but he was still confused.
"The streets are as chaotic as ever, so you didn't really miss anything."
"And patrol last night?"
"Lets just say its boring with out you, Babe." Wally said with a smirk. Dick just rolled his eyes.

"And now eat your soup or I will." Dick chuckled at his comment and begann to eat the soup.

"Do you like it?" Wally questioned.
"It's okay. I just don't taste much because of my cold." Dick answered and a little smile grew on the ginger's face. And that smile seemed kind of suspicious.

"What?" Dick asked his boyfriend.
"Nothing. Can I not even look at my beautiful boyfriend?" Wally said and his smile grew into a smirk.
"Wally...?" Dick asked again.
"Okay, maybe my parents invited us to dinner... It's a family dinner and I want you to be there because you are important to me. It's the end of next week...?" Wally trailed off while asking.
"I haven't agreed yet because you are still sick. Besides, you have enough to worry about with the team and the Penguin-"
"Wally." Dick cut him off.
"I would love to go to the dinner
with you and it would be a great opportunity to get to know your parents better. And who knows, maybe it doesn't hurt a bit to get
away from the other things going on." Dick assured.

Wally smiled widely.
"Thanks, Dick. You should rest now if you should need me call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat." Wally winked while earning a grin from the younger boy. The ginger got up and went to the side of the bed and gave Dick a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door.

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