I grabbed her hair tightly, causing her to whimper and pulled her head back as I bent down to speak in her ear."Did I fight back well enough?" I said in a fake pouty voice as I let go of her hair causing her head to fall forward, inches away from the ground and continued walking to the school as I wiped down my knuckles, leaving red, thick, smears on my brown jacket. Lyssa trailed behind me as I undid my hair to enable it to flow freely down my back. Pushing open the glass doors, I stormed in.

She thought just because she had multiple friends, and went to parties, and was loud, that the other people around her actually cared. Everyone only knew Mia because Mia forced her name to be heard and in reality no one gave a shit. She didn't run the school, she thought she did. She wasn't funny, she was annoying, and she wasn't tough, it was a mask.

It was all a mask with people like her. People who sought validation because their own insecurities and mind declined their own validation to put their mind at ease, to be enough. So she forced her name and status, expecting respect when all she was, was an ordinary girl, pretending to be more. Pretending people thought so too.

"Are you okay?" Lyssa asked, as she gripped both of my shoulders and spun me round to face her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. She should of been asking Mia, not me.

"Did she do that because you punched her before?" Lyssa questioned, as if I knew the answer. I simply shrugged and turned back around. Continuing to walk down the corridor to my English class whilst I fisted my hands by my sides and my fingernails dug deeply into my skin.

"Okay..." she was silent for a moment as she continued quietly following me.

"I'll talk to you at our free period?"

I nodded as I turned my body to walk through the door to the English class, leaving Lyssa outside as I tried to calm my growing, insufferable anger.

First she set her disgusting friend on me and now she tried that? She really thought she was that big a deal that I would of thought about her since I punched her? I scoffed. Pathetic. All because of Azael.

I slumped down onto my chair at the back of the class as in walked yours truly, Azael. He gave me a suspicious look as he walked towards me and sat down onto the seat next to mine. His dark hair bounced slightly on his forehead as he sat and his dark eyes locked onto me.

He stared at me for awhile, examining my face intently."What happened to your cheek?"


"What happened to your cheek?" He said again. Clearly he didn't realise I was asking what was wrong with it.

I clenched my jaw, I swear to god if Mia ha-"There's a red hand mark."

Oh, a lot better off then she was, I was guessing.

I picked up a pen and twirled it around my fingers before opening my mouth to tell Az. Just as noise was about to leave my mouth, in walked the intolerable, prick of a princess.


With bits of dried blood on her face, her hair messed up from her usual perfect curls and a purple—almost black—bruise sitting on her jaw. I sighed defeatedly as I saw the messed up, but non-broken nose.

She glared at me from across the room, tears still streaming down her face as the salt from them caused her eyes to puff up. I assumed the only reason I wasn't sent down to the principals office was her guilt and shame of not winning. I didn't care either way. She could kiss my ass.

"Really, Daeva?" Az questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up." I wasn't in the mood to argue with him, the small interaction we had just had already made me want to kill him and myself. I clutched my pen, taking my anger out on it until it broke in two.

Azael glanced down to my hand that held two broken pieces of pen and just shook his head.

"You have 3 more days until your essay is due in. I will give no extra time as will I not take excuses." Mrs. Green stated from the front of the class, I snapped my attention back to her.

"I'll drive you to mine," Az said, as the teacher continued to ramble on.

Oh shit. I had told Lyssa I'd help her get ready for her date.

"I can't anymore." I replied and carried on staring towards the front of the room.

"And why is that?"

I could of just told him I was hanging with Alyssa but he made me enjoy being difficult. So difficult I would be.

"None of your business."

"Too bad, the teacher won't appreciate you refusing to do the assignment."

I chucked the broken pieces of pen effortlessly into the bin a few metres behind me. He was right. I groaned,"Cant we just do it another night?" I questioned.


He definitely could. It seemed he enjoyed being difficult, too.

"I hate you." I mumbled to him as the class began their work and the teacher finally stopped talking.

"I hate you too." He smirked and handed me another pen to work with. "I'll meet you at my car."

I took the pen,"What about my car? I can't just leave it here?"

He thought for a second as he leaned back further into his chair."You can. I'll just drive you tomorrow morning."

"Why can't I just trail you?"

"Why can't you just agree with me for once?"

I sighed and tapped the pen on the table,"fine."


"Lyssaaaa..." I said in a high voice as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and gave her a smile.

"Yes..." She replied suspiciously, as she raised her eyebrows and squinted her eyes at me.

"So I may have already agreed to go to Azaels house to work on this English assignment we have. Today. So I kind of can't come tonight to help you get ready." I rambled, giving her a big grin at the end to try and make her not annoyed.

She let out a fake cry as she removed my arm from her shoulders and stared face to face at me."Please. I really need you!"

"Lyssa, trust me, I would rather be helping you," I said displeased,"but we all hang out pretty much everyday and you've already had sex with him before. Do you really need me?" I questioned.

She groaned as she turned back around, her black hair swirling in the air as we both continued walking towards the lockers.

"Yes. No...I don't know!"

"Listen, it's just a date you'll be fine. Send me a picture of your outfit options if you like, and I'll help you choose."

I watched as her mood instantly lifted at my offering of help, "Okay," she smiled, as if she could of said no and dragged me to her house, which she probably could of.

I leaned against the locker next to Lyssa's as she pulled and put in various books, eventually I zoned out and just simply stared at the floor.

"I thought you told me before that Azael didn't want to do the essay?" I blinked and stared back up at her as I tried to process what she said from my lack of attention to her.

"Yeah, he changed his mind for some reason," I replied.

"Hm, that's weird," she stated as she side eyed me.

"...not really," I shrugged. I wished he hadn't changed his mind, he always put me in a bad mood. And considering I was going to have to be alone with him again it would appear that it would be happening frequently. Bad moods led me to lash out and snap at people when I didn't mean too. And he just tired me out in general.

I hadn't known him too long and he had already gotten under my skin, I didn't know why he infuriated me so much but he did, and I hated it, and him.


Ah okay so I know this chapter was boring but I swear the next one will be really good.

This chapter was supposed to fit in all my ideas but were already at 2000 words and it's not even half way so you'll just have to wait for Fridays chapter ;)

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