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Narrator's P.O.V

Three years later it was finally the day.Why?Let's go check it out at the guild!

No One's P.O.V

"Papa!"A little white haired boy shouted as he ran into his father's arms."Hey Niall."A pink haired mage greeted as he carried his son.His wife Lisanna came with a big bump."Hey Minna!"She greeted and they greeted back.

The doors opened and everyone was quiet.The sound of the heels clicked on the wood as they watched the figure like owls.The figure removed it's hood and revealed.

"L-Lucy?!" Mira choked. "LUCY!!" Mira exclaimed once more, running to hug her.

Soon everyone joined the hug except three certain people, who stood right where they were.

Erza,dropped to her knees. Gray did the same with guilt. Natsu was not moving at all.

He was frozen in place. The person he loved has returned. Another figure walked in, removed it's hood and revealed a handsome man around Lucy's age.

"Minna! This is my boyfriend Kuro!" She exclaimed and Natsu's heart sank. Two reasons, 1) He is married to Lisanna. 2) That guy is her boyfriend.

He watched as Lucy walked to Erza and hug her. "I'm sorry." Erza muttered as Lucy soothed her.

Lucy stood up and walked to Gray.She did the same thing. "I missed you guys!" She exclaimed. "LET'S PARTY!!" Master exclaimed and they partied all night long.

The girls started catching up on things about the guild when Lucy was gone. Until Mira pushed Lucy to Natsu and Laxus pushed Natsu to Lucy.

They stood infront of each other and they didn't look at each other. Lucy was about to walk away until Natsu pulled her into an embrace.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and Lucy pulled away. "It's fine." She said and walked away with her boyfriend. She didn't state her forgiveness.

She stopped at the frame of the guildoors. "Goodbye forever. "She whispered loud enough for them.

They realized what she meant and ran to her. Before they could reach her she has gone through a portal to heaven.


"And that is the story,of the Fallen Fairy."A black haired mage closed the book named Fallen Fairy."Can you read it again Daddy?"A black haired girl pleaded."Sorry Kiro but maybe tommorrow."A blonde haired woman came in and cooed the little girl to sleep."Maybe it is a good thing I left.Right?"The blonde-haired woman,namely Lucy Heartfillia asked the man,Kuro Kizumaki.

Kuro gave a slight nod and she sighed.'It's been 2 years I wonder how they are.'Lucy wondered as she stared at the beautiful sky and leaned her head on her husband's shoulder.

Kuro held Lucy's left hand in his palms."They are fine.They might not have you but,they have their family and we have ours."He said and she nodded."You're right."She said and kissed him before walking in to sleep.

I miss them.

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