How it all started

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I'm rewriting some of the parts and I decided to dedicate this chapter to someone, because, why not? Hey, she supported my stories, it's the least I could do. Btw, thanks guys, for reading my stories. I'm eternally grateful. Anyways, enjoy!!(I didn't do major changes since the orignal plot was fine, but, just changing any grammar or vocab errors.)


3rd Person's P.O.V

Lucy was skipping happily to the guild because of the return of Lisanna. She become quite the close friends with the soul using mage when Mira had introduced them both.

As she entered the guild she was greeted with a tackle from Natsu who chained her to the wall.

She watched as she was chained and saw Lisanna and Mira knocked out. Laxus out for a mission. Master in his office knowing nothing.

"I'm kicking you off the team! And also you're weak. So, we're gonna torture you." Natsu announced, chuckling,as if it was the most normal thing to do. Lucy was beyond shocked.

"How could you?!" She exclaimed to all of them.

Gray slapped her and they all started hitting her. She felt helpless. She felt sad. She felt weak.

She felt betrayed.

Days passed as the whole guild became oblivious of the pain they have caused for the celestial mage as they kept torturing her.

Day by day, they would knock out her friends, then chain her to the wall.

Day by day, they would torture her.

Day by day, they would play with her keys.

And day by day, they became more oblivious of her pain.

Until one day, it was the last straw, for our favourite mage.


"That's it!" Lucy roared as she broke free from her chains.

"I'd have enough of your actions! I shall leave the guild and leave you all to rot in your pathetic cells that you call your homes!" She bellows as she points towards Natsu.

"Especially, you." She hisses with so much venom, that the whole guild shakes with fear.

The white-haired sisters, Mirajane and Lisanna both walked up to Lucy, examining her wounds and cuts.

They gaped at this, "Why didn't you tell us?!" Mira exclaimed. Lisanna nodded along.

"You wouldn't remember anyways, besides, I couldn't. Warren had the power to erase your memories." She said calmly before forcibly pushing them away from her.

She walked towards the guild entrance while her guild mark slowly crumbles away from her hand.

When she finally reaches the entrance, she raises her hand as a symbol of triumph as she turned her head towards them all, "You'll never see me cry." She says before dissapearing without a trace.

From that day on, the Strauss siblings and Laxus, grieved for their loss. Of course, master was there too.

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