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Hinata catches his breath as he stares at the empty swing in front of him where he would sit with Kageyama there, but he's no longer here.

Did he already leave? Did he come and find me? Or did he really come? Those were the questions running into Hinata's head. Just thinking about it hurts him more, he doesn't want to feel this pain. Not now, not in this situation.

He examined the park, finding if there's a sign of a familiar figure of his boyfriend behind the trees, the playground, and the benches. He fell on his knees as the weather starts to get cold. The park became gloomy, matching the feelings and emotions the pair is experiencing.

It's my fault. I left him hanging, I left him on the most important day of his life.

Even so, he waited for his partner. Hinata's strength could only get him together and pass through nights without trouble sleeping. Kageyama was his comfort, and now he has to leave him, he can't afford to leave him like this.

He contacted Kageyama several times already as Kageyama did earlier. He doesn't respond like Hinata. It was heartbreaking, yet he chose to stay. Maybe, just maybe he would come back, hug Hinata and tell him that it's fine, it's alright. They're together again. They'll meet again.

That never happened. It's already late at night and Hinata's still at the park, on the ground, trembling, his body freezing. His body temperature can't even heat him anymore, he has to stop waiting for someone who has no intention of coming back. Hinata's actions really did backfire. He left Kageyama without telling him where he is, and now he's planning on leaving without telling him the exact reason.

"I'm... sorry, please forgive me..." Hinata's body is already feeble, the symptoms from the disease aren't even the reason why he's in pain, neither is the cold, it was his regrets.

He has to go home or he'll never get the chance to see Kageyama again, freezing on his boyfriend's birthday. He thought that Kageyama could be in his house now, warm, and alright.

Can you forgive me for what I'm about to do?

Although weak, Hinata tries to stand up and head home shaking. When he finally entered Kageyama's house, it was warm. The warmth somehow eases Hinata's pain from freezing but he was far from okay. The atmosphere of the house was far from what it used to be. It is so dark, and you could feel Kageyama's presence all over the place. His birthday is supposed to be happy, spending their time with each other, because they'll never get to experience it again.

Hinata went to the place Kageyama will always be---His room. He slowly opens the door, hoping to finally see Kageyama there, he took a deep breath. It was cold, his vision starts to blur, but he can feel the presence of his other pair, the night that contrasts the day.

"T-Tobio.." Hinata called him, he couldn't stop his voice from trembling. But he's happy that he was there, with him again. In the same room, but different feelings. Kageyama was sitting on the corner of his bed, his face buried into his arms, obscuring his face from Hinata.

The room is completely dark, the lights are out, the windows closed, only Hinata can fill up this empty place, but how? If he too, is already in pain?

He has no other choice. It was his fault, make it up, finish it. He doesn't want Kageyama to be his last regret.

"You don't have to come again," Kageyama coldly said, it was enough to break the hope Hinata's holding on to. The hope that Kageyama would understand him.

"I'm... sorry, for everything... it was all my fault." Hinata apologized attempting to come closer to Kageyama and hug him tight, apologizing for what he's done and for what he's about to do.

A Million Regrets (KageHina) Kageyama X HinataWhere stories live. Discover now