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He doesn't know anything that's happening to Hinata now, Kageyama was completely clueless. Hinata doesn't want to experience this pain at all. Who doesn't? Having his first seizure on his way back from the mall? Thankfully, it wasn't critical, he can handle--- No. He can't handle it all by himself at all, he needs to have surgery right away to remove that damn tumor out of his head.

It was a mild seizure, but it sure affected him a lot. When he recovered, Hinata seems to have forgotten a lot of things, like why is he outside the mall? Why is he alone? Where is Kageyama? and his boyfriend's birthday.

Kageyama waited for his partner, patiently, even though he's starting to get anxious. What if something to him? If he does, he will regret not coming with him when he had the chance earlier.

Something did happen to Hinata.

He calls Hinata several times, but the phone was silent. Kageyama started to wonder and think about a lot of things, he started worrying as time passes by. A little more and he'll start panicking. Why can't destiny just let them be? They only want to be happy together. Why did they let Kageyama experience the same pain again, after he finally found his peace? Perhaps, it was the consequences for both of them.

Hinata finally remembered why he went to the mall. "I'm so stupid, I'm such a fool! Damn it, Tobio's gonna kill me when I get back!" He said as he read Kageyama's flood of texts and missed calls, why did he flipping turn it silent?

It was his boyfriend's birthday for Pete's sake! Damn seizures! Screw this GBM disease!

Hinata rushed to the park, enduring the pain with all his might just to see Kageyama. He was four hours late damn it, Shoyo! He mumbles Kageyama's name as he runs toward that familiar place where they usually eat steam buns and share their regrets, that place has so many memories Hinata can't even remember it all now. People he passed by find him creepy, mumbling the same name over and over again, hoping he could still catch up with Kageyama in the park. This catches two people's attention, they glanced at Hinata as he runs past them. They will never forget its name.

'Kageyama Tobio'

"Hey, Iwa-chan, do you know that guy? Is he about that long-lost kid from middle school?" A tall, handsome man with brown hair and beautiful eyes questioned his friend.

"Tobio-Kun? I don't know. I don't know that guy either. Don't mind them, Crappy Oikawa." His friend answered, a little shorter than the prior but has a bigger body than him.

"You sure make silly nicknames! Don't call me that!" Oikawa argued as they head home.

"Shitty Oikawa," Iwa-chan teased him more. They annoyed each other as they head home, pretty much like Hinata and Kageyama. They were Kageyama's upperclassmen in middle school after all. Oh, how much Kageyama looks up to them.

They saw their dear underclassmen, Tobio on the way home, wearing a mixed emotion of frustration, anguish, worry, and sadness shown on his face. The two stared at him, it's been so long since they last saw each other. Tobio grew so much, but they can still recognize him, the face that annoys Oikawa so much since middle school.

His friend, Iwaizumi remembered the boy's mumbling earlier. He concluded that he must be finding Tobio, so he approached him first, the frowning guy didn't even see Iwaizumi coming until Oikawa called him, "Iwa-chan!" He heard that familiar voice, the nickname only his former captain would call his childhood friend. It's been so long.

He looked to the pair, "Iwaizumi-san, Oikawa-san..." He still respects them after so many years, they're his upperclassmen after all. Oikawa just glanced at him, perhaps he still has that attitude "Why are you here?" Tobio asked them.

"We're just passing by, you know! It's not like we actually came for you, we just saw you by pure co-in-ci-dence!" Oikawa complains, he didn't change at all, nudging Iwaizumi's arms, he signaled him to leave now.

Iwaizumi though nudged Oikawa back. "Oi! Don't say that after years not seeing each other!" He scolded him with authority, Oikawa stopped then. Tobio remembered seeing them argue every day on volleyball practice. They can't be separated at all, he wished the same with Hinata. If only, if only destiny allows them to.


Iwaizumi turns his attention to Tobio again, "We just saw someone saying your name, I think he's finding you. Perhaps, you know him?" Iwaizumi asked, pertaining to the orange-haired guy. He was the sunshine before, but he is the sunset now obscured in the dark.

He's the most important person in my life.

Tobio was waiting for Iwaizumi to proceed but that's all he's got. He's worried about Hinata, but he's glad that he's safe. He wants to see him, but he just wants to be alone for now. "He's my boyfriend," that answer shocked the two completely, or they never would've thought that Tobio would go in this situation. "Just let him be, it was his fault not coming to our place after all." He pretended like he didn't care about Hinata, Tobio just wants to go home, go to his bed, and sleep for the rest of his day.

"What? He's your boyfriend! You shouldn't leave him in the air like that!" Oikawa protested Iwaizumi nudged him to not shout at him like that. Tobio glanced at him, serious, with the face he often wears in middle school. "He was the one who left me in the air in the first place. Don't make it sound like it's my fault." Tobio insisted.

"You know? Your pride won't bring you anywhere! You'll regret doing this." Oikawa lectured him, "You didn't change at all!" He said what he had to say to snap Tobio back to reality.

Did I really change at all? Or did I just use Hinata to cover my problems and regrets?

"Oikawa, you're going too far!" Iwaizumi stopped him from crossing the line, but this is what Tobio really needs, make him realize that what happened to him in middle school will reoccur because of his pride and attitude! Iwaizumi tapped Tobio's shoulder, "You're his boyfriend, you're supposed to be there whenever he needs you. You're not the only one suffering, you're both partners, It's like you are parts of a whole. You complete each other, and you should be by his side in times like this. Tobio, you need to understand your boyfriend's feelings. It's not just him." Iwaizumi advises him, Oikawa was surprised by Iwaizumi's words of wisdom, he sounded like he experienced it all. Well, with Oikawa, they just don't realize it. "Wow, Iwa-chan! I didn't know you can be this cool!" Oikawa praised him but received a glare back.

Tobio contemplated for a minute. It was always Hinata who's by his side when he needs him, he would smile at him when he's having panic attacks and anxieties, when he had problems, Hinata was there for him. He was the only one to listen to Kageyama's regrets and that made him comfortable whenever he's with him, and that made Kageyama regret that he once regretted Hinata. Hinata did all these things for Kageyama, and this is his way of giving back to him?

Tobio moved Iwaizumi's hands away from him, "Please mind your own business, I'll get going." He said coldly, bowed to them, and left them as nothing happened. Oikawa was expectedly pressed, attempting to punch Tobio in the face but Iwaizumi stopped him, "I'm sure he gets that, just leave him be." He said, Oikawa pouted then they watch as Tobio walk away from their sight.

And so Kageyama left the two, not following their advice, and head straight home. The usual lively atmosphere engulfing his house was now gone. It was quiet, something that now feels unfamiliar to him. It's been so long since he's been like this. Alone, with nobody by his side, he felt like he came back to his life eleven months ago. Time flies so fast, yet he doesn't change.

Or so he thought.

A Million Regrets (KageHina) Kageyama X HinataWhere stories live. Discover now