“Elaine are you crazy? Submit to Ian Hunt? I'm not selling my soul for Prada and a clothing line.” I huff while crossing my arms.

“You just don't know, do you? I never had a soul, darling. One with no soul cannot sell it.” She grins at her clever words.

I knew she was just as ruthless as the rest of the Hunts. But one thing I can admit about Elaine is that she has always showed herself as a two sided coin. There is a soft, loving, motherly side to Elaine. And then, there's the sharp, protective, skillfully deceptive mom.

She stands out in a frustrating way. Frustrating because you can't really hate her, but you also can't love her either.

“Ava, do you know what it's like growing up without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of? Literally having nothing but the air in your lungs and the eyes in your sockets. Do you know what it's like to constantly move from one abandoned place to another? Not knowing where you'll end up next. You have no idea what it's like to sell yourself at night just so your mother and little sister and brother can eat the next day.”

She doesn't give me time to ponder on her words because she continues.

“I had to take care of my mother because she was unable to take care of herself. My mother was my entire life. She was the most sweetest, most caring, loving, and wisdom filled woman to any and everyone. That's why I never understood how the hospital could kick a dying woman out even after they told her she was dying. We- my eleven year old brother, thirteen year old sister and I- were tossed to the street with our mother. She didn't want us in foster care, and who could blame her? Those places were horrible from what my friends had told me in school.”

“So my siblings and I stayed with our mom until the night they were all slaughtered. ”

“I was seventeen when my family was murdered. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten back from degrading myself. I remember the putrid stench I carried of cologne and broken dreams. My mind swam in the sinful thoughts of hating myself right after. I was so young and had suffered so much. All for my family.”

“But my suffering, my tumult paled in comparison to my mom and siblings' fate. Right after arguing with a pig who claimed I over charged him for my “weak” services, I took the money and ran to where my mother, sister, and brother were. It was raining that night so they hid behind a dumpster. I didn't even know it yet but that rat of a man had followed me. He murdered my family right in front of my eyes before turning the gun on me.”

She lifts her shirt up to show me a bullet wound in her abdomen. It's a dark line the size of a string. Stitches.

“They couldn't remove the bullet because I would have died if they had,” she wipes small tears from her green eyes. And in this moment of weakness, I realize that Elaine isn't some heartless, pretentious cow. She's a rose with thorns ready to prick anyone who hurts her.

“I met Martin when I was nineteen. I had been off the streets for almost two years and living in a group home for troubled youth. He was one of the investors who wanted to expand the program and thought my story would be the one that could help sell his idea.”

She pauses briefly as if to gather the rest of her thoughts. I watch her rub her arm gingerly before looking up to meet my mystified gaze. She smiles with an admirable gleam that reaches her seaweed colored eyes.

“Once Martin and I started talking we were really surprised at how similar we were. Both driven, needing to feel wanted, and willing to do anything for a better life,” she smiles then says,

“At the time he was married with a child so we kept our relations secret for almost nine years. Dianna knew though but she couldn't get angry because if she did then I would have exposed the entire thing. And no one as influential as her wanted their marital affairs out in the open,” she shakes her head, adding a nasty smirk. “I hold more power than most give me credit for,”

Despite Elaine's horrible biography and her curt behavior towards Ian's real mother, I can honestly say the most shocking news is her being an asset to their fortune 500 company. I always assumed she just sat, looked pretty and collected raining money.

“So you've been helping Martin since you were nineteen?” I wonder aloud in complete awe. This whole entire time Ian has led me to believe that the only ones who built their billionaire dollar company were his grandfather, father, and himself.

“I've been working behind the scenes. He had the ideas he just needed direction. Kind of like Ian,” she winks at me, making a point to tip her glass of expensive wine.

“So you mean to tell me-”

“We're very much alike Ava with maybe a few minor contrasts,” she sips slowly, savoring the taste. My eyes widen in amazement as I take in her words. No matter how many times I try to tell myself she is wrong, I know deep down inside I'm the one who is wrong and that she is indeed correct.

“I married young like you, I married a Hunt just like you did, and I was a mother just like how you are now,”

“Yeah but that's still different. Martin doesn't hate you. Ian hates me,” I admit more so to myself than anyone in this room. Love is a just a word for him. If you really love someone you don't hurt them. Actions speak louder than words.

“No he doesn't hate you. He is just misunderstood,”

Ian is a lot of things; an evil, repulsive, arrogant, manipulative prick. The list goes on and on, but one thing I never considered was him being misunderstood.

“Ava, life is like a page of mistakes, regrets, heartaches, and everything else in between. Sometimes we have to erase those faults on the pages and start over,”

I can't win with her. Just when I'm thinking about leaving him she comes along with witty words to try to convince me otherwise. I know I could be weak and cowardice but for some strong reason, I opt to be brave and strong willed instead.

“Elaine, don't try to sell me sugar when I know it's shit,”

And with that, I make my way towards the exit. I mean who wants to listen to bullshit and lies? Not I, so I do what any fed up person would do. I leave a speechless middle aged woman standing in the stainless steel kitchen, looking completely baffled by my smart-ass reply. 



Vote, comment. fan! :) 

Tell me what you think. It seems like Ava is finally fed up with the Hunts' crap. Now, how will she get away from Ian and his crazy ass family? 

Thanks for reading! Any questions? Ask moi :) xx

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. I almost forgot to mention that I've already posted MYMs rewrite so please go to my profile and check it out. :) *hugs*

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