We just moved in this new home yesterday and Ian hasn't let me walk alone since we've been staying at Elaine and Martin's. You'd think with he and Elaine being home today I could at least go to the kitchen by myself.

“You know why I need to know,” is all he says as he stands.

My hand is grabbed and before I know it I'm being led into the kitchen with him. I want to protest but that would make him angry. And no one likes Ian when he's angry.

We enter the kitchen and let's just say that it may not be as huge as Elaine's and Martin's, but ten people could comfortably sleep in here.

“Ian, for heaven's sake let the girl breathe,” Elaine chuckles when she sees him tell me to sit. He then walks to the fridge to grab a bottle of Voss.

“It's killing me inside to stay quiet and pretend like I'm okay with this,” I mumble more to him than myself. He says he follows me to protect me but I know better. It's because he is trying to control everything I do, from what I wear to how I breathe. And ever since he found out we're all going to dinner with Alec tonight, he's been extra clingy.

After pulling my sleeves down to hide my scars from a week ago, I snatch the bottle from his masculine hand. He didn't notice- or didn't care because he goes back to the fridge.

I hear Elaine laugh again and it makes me burn with rage. It's a pleasant, joyful laugh. As if I'm a child and Ian is my father.

“Ian, leave her be for a little while so we can catch up on girly things,”

“I'm not going to-”

“Don't you have a report to present to your father tomorrow?”

Without back talk, he nears me. I feel his lips caress my neck until they stop on my temple. He pecks me then whispers,

“I'll be back in thirty so we can start unpacking Danny's room,”

I nod because that's the only thing he wants me to do. I don't have much of a voice around him.

“So Ava,” Elaine waltzes over to the doors to close them. There are two. One leading into the dining room and another leading into the living room.

“What?” I say, completely numb to everything. I just want to be alone.

“I have a story to tell you,”

With my elbows propped on the counter, I allow her poised words to bounce of the walls and into my ears. I'm intrigued.

“I know marriage wasn't easy for you the first time around, but this time, I hope you've learned enough to grin and bear it,”

“Why are you telling me this? Don't you have some shopping to do or some shit like that?”

Yes, I will admit I am envious of Elaine's freedom. She can leave when she wants with whomever she wants. And it's not fair. I never wanted to be tied down to Ian Hunt. Maybe in the bedroom but not in public.

“You never were good at listening, sweetie,”

I roll my eyes while she goes on to say:

“Sometimes in life you make choices. They're either right, wrong, or yours.”

I wrinkle my nose as I think of the million directions she could take this whole conversation.

“What I mean by that is you can't let your feelings dictate the kind of life you're entitled to living. Or, if your feelings are so important then you can let them ruin your face. You deserve the best and because of that, you need to stop fighting Ian and just submit.”

In The Arms Of Danger [Sequel to Make You Mine]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt