The Motive

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Shuichi's Pov...

The next day, I was feeling tired. I didn't get that much sleep at all. I went to the cafeteria and Celestia and Maki were fighting. Everyone who was there were trying to separate them.

"Hey whats going on!" I asked surprised.

We managed to separate the two and Mikan treated their injuries though we all could tell that she didn't put much effort with Maki.

"Explain why the first thing I walk into isn't everyone eating and chatting but you two fighting?" I demanded no longer in the mood to deal with this. I was too tired for this.

"She started it." Maki grumbled.

"All I simply said, 'Good morning Ms. Assassin.' If it offends that I was hoping for but that doesn't mean you resort to threatening and violence.

"You threw the first punch!" Maki shouted.

"In means to defend myself as you pulled out a knife and charged at me which I punched you in the face before you could do anything to me with said knife. You should control your temper." Celestia scoffed still keeping her composure.

Maki on the hand wasn't and stood up. Kaito held her arm to hold her back.

"You are just like Kokichi!" Maki shouted.

"Is that an insult? If so its terrible. I like being compared to someone wonderful like Kokichi." Celestia tilted her head obviously completely aware she was pushing buttons.

"Y-Y-Yeah! Kokichi is wonderful! I-I-I wouldn't want to be compared to you!" Mikan yelled.

"Wonderful! Did you forget what happened at the trial?! You think that's wonderful!" Maki yelled.

"At least he would never kill someone unlike you, Ms. Assassin." Celestia smiled.

Maki pulled her arm away from Kaito and walked to Celestia when Kirumi stepped in between with a knife to Maki's throat.

"I'm truly sorry but Kokichi has asked me to make sure nothing happens to his sisters by whatever I deem necessary. I'm disappointed in myself for not showing up earlier to stop the fight but I'm here now and I suggest you step down." Kirumi face was neutral.

Maki stepped down and so did Kirumi. Kaito asked why she'd even have a knife. To which she replied a maid must be prepared for everything.

I sighed and sat down next to Makoto and Hajime. Kaito, Kaede, Kibo and others sat down next to us.

I saw the three Kokichi, Nagito, and Togami walk in there were talking. Hopefully not planning anything. They sat away from everyone. Only with Rantaro, Korekiyo, Celestia, Mikan, Mui and Fuyuhiko who only really seemed to be talking to Nagito and Peko who was also there for the sake of 'her masters safety.'

"I want to apologize for Maki. She's a good person once you get past her barriers. She actually gets along with everybody in our game. Everyone but Kokichi. Yeah he was a little shit, a liar, a psychopath who made fun of everyone but its not like we tried to make friends with him either or tried to understand him. We just wrote him off as a liar someone who we couldn't trust in reality he just wanted to end the game even if it meant being the 'villan'. Maki doesn't seem to see or care that he's changed a bit. I mean he was practically the most affected out of all of us." Kaito looked down. We all felt guilty by the way we treated Kokichi.

The Fake Killing Game (Moved to Ao3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя