Babe😘😩👬💍: it's because Niall is too hard.

Me: Omg Harry stfu it's because he doesn't think he could put up with you. So he just won't.

Babe😘😩👬💍:That's what he told you.

Me: I am so done. Goodbye don't fucking text me.

I said and put my phone in my pocket walking back over to the changing room. Except he didn't come out. I looked around and he was paying for the stuff.

I walked up next to him and leaned on him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Me and Harry just had a fight." I said sighing.

"About what?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter. How'd you know about the rest of your outfits?" I asked him.

"A girl that works here helped me." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"They'll tell you you look good if you had on a trash bag with the stores logo on it. But hey if you think it looked good then so be it. Let's go." I said and we were off.

We got in his car and left for his house. My phone kept vibrated and I checked to see if they were important but they weren't Harry just kept apologizing.

When he pulled up I helped him take the bags in and help put the clothes up.

"When did you go back to school shopping?" He asked me.

"Last week." I said plopping on his bed.

"Zayn I'm tired." I whined.

"I don't see why? You didn't do shit today. But go ahead take a nap." He said waving me off.

"Thanks Z." I said kicking off my shoes and jeans getting under the covers. (A/N: i can never get under the covers with jeans on. It's uncomfortable. Am I the only one?)

*Zayn's POV*

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs and I hopped down the stairs, fell, got up and went to the door.

Ugh Niall and Harry. I just yelled through the door.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need to talk to Lou and I know he's in there." I heard Harry yell.

"Well he's mad at you and sleep so you may not come in!" I yelled.

"Please I need to talk to him." Harry yelled.

"He's sleep and you're not about to wake him up he's tired. And leave." I said.

"Zayn I know where you keep the spare key." Harry said.

"Ha! I removed the fucking key because creeps like you. Harry you were cool but you've just kinda been acting like a dick. I didn't even do nothing to Niall to be honest and I don't know if he told you or not but tell him that was an ass move too. Get away from my door I'm going back to my room." I said and went back up to my room.

I kicked off my shoes and sat crossed leg on my bed. Next thing you know my window was being pulled open and Harry came in with Niall following behind.

He looked at Lou. "Oh you didn't lie he is sleep." Harry said nonchalantly like he just didn't climb through my window.

"Get out!" I told him and he just sat on my bed.

I sat in my computer chair. I was beyond irritated. Harry started to rub Louis' arm.

"Stop you're going to wake him up." I said.

Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now