"Stop.... Talking.... Before I cave your face in. Don't say anything else to me for the rest of this class. Or even afterwards or you'll have 8 more stitches in your head." She turned and faced forward trying to concentrate on what the professor was saying. Bryson stared at her remembering the day he last saw her in the hospital. Then he remembered the night she caught him and Giselle together.

He felt a tinge of anger. "I see you made a new friend already... And he seems preoccupied haha." He grinned as he pointed in Dez's direction. Saf looked over at Dez. He was still flirting with what's her face. "Which is good since you cut all of us off... Even Sutton."

"I just met him. And it's none of your business. Now butt-out. And f*ck Sutton."

"Saf... I-"

"Just stop talking to me! Okay?" She said loudly. Everyone turned around and stared at her and Bryson.

"Sorry..." They both said in unison and looked down at their packets.


After class was over Saf rushed into the hallway. She was sweating and felt like she was having an anxiety attack. She ran into the nearest bathroom and turned on some cold water to splash on her face. Flashbacks of running through Club Float flashed into her head. Memories of Cat and her three near death experiences still haunted her in her dreams every night. She was scarred. She was just starting to sleep through the night without waking up, and now that Bryson and Giselle were here, she no longer felt that way. Even if Cat was dead, she still felt as if something bad was coming her way.

Someone exited a middle stall. Saf didn't look up immediately because she was drying her face with a paper towel. She heard the girl turn on water and use the soap pump. She lifted her head up and stared at herself in the mirror. Her scar on her neck was fading away slowly. She was glad because it used to look disgusting. She wore scarves and necklaces until it looked even a couple a shares closer to her skin tone. She heard a gasp next to her. It was Giselle.

"S-S-Saf... Um.." She studdered. Safyra's eyes darkened and she suddenly she flash backed to the night she saw Giselle and Bryson through the window. She walked over to her and slapped her. Spit flew out of her mouth. Giselle covered her face. Saf grabbed her by her neck and pushed her into a wall.

"You knew I planned on coming here!! You could've went to any other f*cking school in California! Even if Bryson didn't know, you did! You b*tch! HOW COULD YOU?!!!!" She screamed in her face.

"I'm sorry Saf. I swear. I just wanted to be here with him. I tried to make him go somewhere else. He wouldn't transfer!" Giselle said through small sobs.

"Don't let me see you anywhere near me. I told you I would kill you. You thought I was joking?" Saf squeezed her neck tighter, and she heard her struggling to breath. "When you see me, go the other way." Saf's grip loosened. Giselle nodded. She let her go, grabbed her bag, and marched out of the bathroom.

Giselle fell to the floor, gasping for air. She pulled out her phone and immediately called Bryson. "Bry... Please... Help me." She said.


Dez was headed towards his dorm's building, and he saw Safyra walking quickly towards the interance. He sped up so he could catch up with her.

"Hey Safyra." He said jumping in front of her to hold the door open. She kept quiet and walked in. He frowned. "Hey... Are you okay?"

She kept walking towards the elevator, pressed the "up" button, and waited.

He walked up beside her. "Look I don't want to sweat you. Did I do something wrong?" he said quietly.

"No..." she finally said, "I'm just having a rough day okay? Just leave me alone."

"But you were just all smiles when we were kicking it earlier."

"Well sh*t happens! Okay?!" she yelled at him unintentionally. He didn't deserve her rage, but she was still heated from seeing them.

He walked closer to her. "Listen... I'm Sorry. Was it that guy you were arguing with in class?"

She looked up at him confused, because she thought he hadn't been paying attention to her the whole time. "Yea... Why?" She said quietly. The elevator doors opened as some people walked out, they got on.

"You guys seemed pretty intense. Is he an ex or something?"

"Yes.." She looked forward. Dez was surprised that she was actually answering his questions. She was usually vague and unclear whenever she did. Her eyes began to water but she didn't let one tear drop. He saw her jaw clench out of anger. He wondered if the other guy was apart of the past that she kept from him. He didn't really know how to deal with crying, so he just pulled her into a hug. She didn't resist him either. A few tears escaped and she buried her face into his chest. He rubbed her back and continued to soothe her.

"Whatever it is that happened, just forget about. Don't let it affect you. You know what I mean?"

She looked up at him, and his lips came down on hers. Saf didn't know what to do so she returned the kiss. Dez's impulse took over as he backed her into the wall of the elevator. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he gripped her through the thin fabric of her dress. He pressed up against her and let their tongues dance.

As the doors opened, there stood Bryson. He lifted an eyebrow at what he was seeing. Safyra noticed the doors opened and immediately stopped and pulled her dress down. Dez turned to see Bryson staring at them. Saf walked out and brushed past Bryson. He followed her.

"Just friends, huh???" Bryson questioned her as they both made it to her door.

"I said stay out of it Bryson!" She took out her card and dropped it. Dez came and picked it up.

"Look I don't know you, but don't come around here causing problems, alright?" He looked Bryson up and down. Bryson ignored him.

"Look, Giselle told me what happened. Stay away from her she didn't know that you were com-"

"YES THE F*CK SHE DID! But she didn't tell you that, did she? She knew I would be here. She said you wouldn't transfer anywhere else and that she tried to get you to anyway." She was infuriated. Bryson was shocked at what he was hearing. Giselle did try to make him transfer. He remembered numerous times where she said he probably wouldn't like it at UCLA because the dean knew about his relationship with Cat.

"That doesn't give you the right to threaten her life and choke her to death in a bathroom Saf! She was literally coughing up her lungs trying to tell me what happened. Stay away from her!" Bryson yelled.

Safyra pushed him, "F*ck you and her! Why don't you go f*ck each other!"

Dez stood back watching all of this go down. He was confused beyond words. Who was Giselle? And why was Safyra attempting homicide in the girls bathroom?

"Nah. F*ck you! Matter of fact, I'm sure he's doing that for you real well!" He pointed to Dez. Dez just raised his eyebrows and grabbed Safyra. He stuck her key card in her door, and pulled her inside as she continued swearing and swinging at Bryson.

"Yo, move around." He said to Bryson, and slammed the door in his face.

Possessed (Adult 18+)Where stories live. Discover now