Mystery Man

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I feel inspiration for creative projects very often has spiritual origins, and we are not usually aware of that. I definitely feel that is what was going on here with this wild urge out of nowhere (there is that phrase again!) to write a fiction story. He has channeled about this subject recently, and I'll be including that later in the book. 

2000 - So here, things start getting really weird! This part still absolutely blows my mind that it happened. Out of nowhere, I started getting the strong urge to write a fiction story. I had never written one before. I had to look up even how to do it, because I had no clue. I don't even read fiction! 

 These 2 characters start to emerge in my mind. A mysterious, troubled man who shows up at a young, naive therapist's office. I could see him clearly in my mind. He had a lot to say and a lot on his mind. I figured out that this was a channeled story and I knew the male character was a spirit, but I couldn't figure out who.   I thought it was my spirit guide doing a disguise or something!   He seemed a little bit like Kurt Cobain, but not quite. 

Alice in Chains/Layne was not at all on my radar at this time, because I had gotten rid of all my AIC stuff.   Layne also was not on my spiritual radar at all because he hadn't even passed yet. I didn't follow any news about him and had no idea what was going on with him, with the whole condo saga.

What I'm including next was a channeled exchange I had with this mystery man 'character'. This was written totally blind. I was trying to get the beginning ideas of the story down.  The only channeled writing I had done before this was with my spirit guide and his energy was totally different than this was. I knew it was not my guide.  I made up the Bill name because I didn't know who he was. There isn't really punctuation because that is how spirits can be when channeling, they don't care about the details that much. 

I didn't put this all together and realize it was Layne until 6 years after this was written!  He is really good at cloaking himself when he wants to.  

Warning - What follows is some raw, tough stuff.  If this is what it seems to be, this is Layne's energy/spirit somehow communicating/venting with me before he died via this character, while he was isolated and depressed.  You can decide for yourself. 


The therapist/counselor was having a slow day today and she had a walk in client show up unannounced. He was a young man, but couldn't place an exact age, maybe late twenties? Blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed all in black. Slight in stature.  He was a very quiet guy who seemed to have a lot on his mind. She could tell he was deeply troubled and was very emotional.  He didn't want to make small talk, he knew why he was there and so did she. It was good it was a slow day and she devoted most of her day to talking with him. He told her that money was no object and not to worry about how much his therapy would cost, he would pay it.

He lived somewhere where all this bad stuff happened to him, and then he moved far away from it. He left all his friends and family behind and no one knew where he was. He lived in seclusion there for a long time, away from everything. He started feeling like he really needed to get some help, so he came back to the city and sought help and found my office.

Hi, my name is whatever, what's your name?

"Bill " he replied

What brings you here today?

Help I need help    I'm bad not good

Why are you bad?

Because I hate everyone   I can't take it

Did people know you felt this way?

A few   Not many    it was a disease     I lived with it for many years

What would you call this disease?

Sickness    lovesickness  hurt  anger  despair   my heart is hurting    I'm crying out for love

Did you always feel this way?

No   not always it came on slowly, gradually.   it came on so slowly I couldn't believe it

When did you realize you had the sickness?

Right before I moved

Was your move painful?

What do you think?  Of course it was

Go ahead and talk more about it.

I thought about getting away from everything for a long time. I just never had the gumption to do it.  After a while I did. I had so much inside me that needed to come out, it was difficult. I hated everything, everyone. Alone. I didn't care. I felt worthless, I was so hurt, afraid and alone. I suffered in silence. I hang my head in shame

Sounds like you needed to talk to someone.

I didn't know that. I couldn't.   backlash against me would have been too great

You were not allowed to talk about your feelings?

I couldn't.    I just couldn't.   I was afraid

Could you talk to your family?

Sometimes.   they helped me      they were good people

Did they know what you were going through? 

No I hid it from them I didn't want them to be involved with it.   I protected them from it    Loved them, still do

You don't sound like that bad of a guy now, you know?

My heart is in the right place, but I'm sick in the head now   Cold   Bitter   I can't stand it anymore

What is it that you are looking for now?

Love     just love      a caress   someone to blow my nose for me       I want someone to LISTEN to me and my long story. This has been pent up for years. I have to have an outlet, and you're it.

I'm happy to be your outlet, it isn't good to keep things inside for as long as you have.

I hope so. I'm still not sure if I trust you.

As long as we do it here in this office, I think it will all be OK.

(relieved) that makes me feel better. Get this off my chest.   It has made me feel weighed down, heavy.

Have you ever been to a counselor or anything like this before?

Once.  Before I moved

Did it help?

Yeah it sure did. She was good. She moved away not long before I moved. She helped me a lot. She helped me see myself in a different light. I fell in love with her. I wanted to be with her all the time. She mesmerized me. She saw the light in me. I fell under her spell. (This has got to be Demri he's talking about!)

Have you ever asked God to help you with this?

Sure that's how you can help me. You can read this and so can other people.   It will help.



I think it's so sweet that he was referring to his girlfriend as his counselor.  Maybe she was one of the only people he could truly open up with.  Also, when he references her "moving away", he is talking about her death.  I did do a little bit of fact checking on this recently, and he did move into his condo a few months after Demri's passing. 

This was the beginning of what later turned into a full short story, part was written in 2000 and part was written in 2006 after he revealed himself to me.   I'm not going to publish it because it's personal and he told me it was his way of saying Thank You to me for caring about him.  I'll always treasure it.  

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