Chapter 3 Assassination 101

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"Iovac! There's an emergency !" Nico called, and Iovac rushed in. Something about that confused me. " Uhm, you guys are close? "  Nico made a fifty-fifty gesture.

" It's more of a, we have a mutual understanding to not let you die,"  I nodded, satisfied. " Buuut, that doesn't mean we aren't going to be friends either, it's just we haven't had a lot of time to talk, as we have been focused on you." 

I nodded again but was confused nonetheless. " Why would you need to focus on me, all that happened to me was a minor injury."

Iovac spoke up for the first time. " Thalia stabbed you, and it went through your bone." He checked for the wound on my back.  He gasped and went back to his bookshelf.  He opened a book and flipped through the pages before he found what he was looking for.

"Ah, found it." He winced while reading, not a good sign. " Oh no." I shuffled around nervously, " What does that mean, why the oh no? " He sighed and put his head in his hands.

" That's the symbol of End. Chaos's older brother. Whenever End marks someone with it, their powers and everything that makes them themselves slowly being taken. It could take years, or it could take days. The only known cure is the touch of either one of his siblings, Chaos, Order, or Void. " 

Thalia burst in, like the FBI. " I'm so sorry, I had no idea about the attack, I feel so bad, especially after everything that happened at camp." I clamped my hand over Thalia's mouth to stop her rambling. "It's fine Thals, you didn't know and I'm over that. I'm never returning to Camp or Earth, and if that's what your here to do, then you can leave."

She winced, and I may have seemed harsh, but I will not, under any circumstances, go back to Earth. " We have to Perce, there was a new prophecy, and you are needed. " I snarled. The Fates just can't seem to leave me alone. I'm not going back.  " I'm not returning." He repeated.  "I'm never going back to that wretched place again, all I met was betrayal.

She nodded glumly. " If I want to survive, then I should find Chaos, Order, or Void. " The group let out a collective sigh.

Iovac was the only one with an idea. "  Well everyone knows Chaos has his planet. I'm guessing it's in a spot secluded from maps."  We had hope. It might have been a slim chance, but we had hope. I looked up at him, gesturing for him to continue. 

" There are 30-40 possible districts it could be in, " I sighed, I could have days, and we would have to search thirty to forty different galaxies. Iovac snapped. 

"Idea! I could get in contact with a few friends, they all owe me something, they'd be happy to search. "

My hope reignited, we had a shot! I looked down at my leg and immediately regretted it.

It looked like Tartarus, with its swollen veins, and the bone was poking out and its smell, gods forbid. It smelt like rotting meat, that had decided to have a baby with the NYC sewage system.

" Why wasn't I fed ambrosia or something, wouldn't that heal me much faster ?" I intoned, and Nico sighed, shaking his head. " Your body is too weak to handle it,  you would melt away before anything. " I shook my head, fantastic. I'm slowly losing my powers, and I can't use ambrosia to heal quickly.

" Thalia, Nico. Would you like to join me and Iovac? We aren't returning, so it's either you leave, or you stay. " They both let out a collective sigh. " Perce, we gotta take you back, Zeus demands it. " 

I was mad, to say the least. "  You can tell Zeus, that it was his fault, that he decided to banish me, and now it's coming back to bite him in the ass. " I smirked, knowing that if Zeus heard me, his infuriated, egotistic self, would have tried smiting me again. 

The Eclipse Armada ( A Percy Jackson Chaos AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ