Chapter 4

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On the day.....

It was six at night and Marinette was getting ready to go to Adrien's house but as Ladybug. And by the way, Tikki already know about what she and Chat Noir was talk when he requested to go to Adrien's place.

"Okay I'm ready Tikki." Mari said.

"Just say the words." Tikki said.

"TIKKI SPOTS ON!" Mari said.

Then Ladybug went to Adrien's house. Once she reached there, she knocked on Adrien's window and we opened it.

"H-h-hey Ladybug. C-c-come in." Adrien said.

Ladybug went inside.

"Chat Noir told me that you have something to ask me. So, what's up." Ladybug asked.

"Y-yes, I w-w-wanted to t-t-tell you th-that I h-h-have a c-c-crush on y-y-you." Adrien said while blushing.

"R-really?" Ladybug asked.

"Y-yes." Adrien said.

"I-I, I do too." Ladybug said while blushing.

"So, w-w-will y-y-you be my g-girlfriend?" Adrien asked.

"Yes, I will." Ladybug said.

Adrien was happy that she said yes because you all know Adrien had a big crush on her for a long time.

"Also, can you stayover for the night, if that is okay with you?" Adrien asked.

"Yes. Just let me talk to my parents if that is okay." Ladybug said.

"Go ahead and you can use my bathroom if you need to detransform, that is?" Adrien said.

"Okay. Thanks." Ladybug said.

Ladybug went to his bathroom.

"Tikki, spots off." Ladybug said.

She then detransform. Marinette fed Tikki cookie and called her parents if it was cool if she could stay at her friends house. Her parents said yes and be back tomorrow.

"Ready." Tikki said.

"Yes. TIKKI, SPOTS ON!" Mari said.

Ladybug then left the bathroom and walked up to Adrien.

"So?" Adrien asked.

"They said yes." Ladybug said.

"Okay then." Adrien said.

So they both talked since Ladybug is staying for the night.

After they talked for while....

"I love you Ladybug." Adrien said.

"I love you too Adrien." Ladybug said.

Then they both kissed. And they been an official couple ever since that day.

That is it for now. I hope you like it an see you guys soon.

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