Sherlock and Friends

185 13 3

To: Sherlock and the Doctor

Q: Are you my friend?  

Sherlock: Not Yet. 

The Doctor: I'm friends with anyone.

Sherlock: really? 

The Doctor: Yes. 

Sherlock: The Master.

The Doctor: Was, but sort of...Frienemies... 

Sherlock: Cybermen.

The Doctor: Enemies who I try to be friends but it is almost impossibe... ALMOST! I will find a way! 

Sherlock: Weeping Angels. 

The Doctor: Well, that's a different story. 

Sherlock: The Silence... 

The Doctor: Yeah, yeah... Well, it depends who they work for...but yeah.

Sherlock: Sycorax.

The Doctor: Eh. 

Sherlock: Zygons.

The Doctor: If they turn into River Song, then it's a definate. 

Sherlock: The Empty Child. 

The Doctor: Yes. 

Sherlock: Loki.

The Doctor: Best Friends.

Sherlock: Hitler. 

The Doctor: He's a feeler. 

Sherlock: Darth Vader. 

The Doctor: Also feeler, eh.

Sherlock: Joker. 

The Doctor: Not funny, but we had history. 

Sherlock: Professor Zoom. 

The Doctor: He scares me...

Sherlock: Batman. 

The Doctor: *twitches* Bai. 


Random Fact: Yep. Got not facts... Wait... 


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