wallpaper theme (crewel)

7 3 0



1st of all no negative comments and no swearing in them either NO HORNY COMMENTS

Thank you😌


I wanna finish this off quickly so i can get this off my phone...

Its not that it's ugly it's nice but its.....

Very crewel....

And gives me a headache


You will need:

You will need:

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(I screenshoted it like thay so you could see the keyboard and notifications bar)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(I screenshoted it like thay so you could see the keyboard and notifications bar)

And any fanart of your choosing, i would recommend ones with red so it would stand out

And any fanart of your choosing, i would recommend ones with red so it would stand out

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End result:

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End result:

End result:

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This WAS supposed to be put up on the same day as luci, but my wifi was like :"lol not today😜"

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

This WAS supposed to be put up on the same day as luci, but my wifi was like :"lol not today😜"

So yea


We finally did it

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