Survived The Sickness

Start from the beginning

"Anna, listen-"

"Who else knows she's alive!? Am I the only one you were fucking lying to and–where's Elora?" I asked as I noticed he was here but she wasn't "You're supposed to be watching her"

"Kehlani has her. She came to the house just before, looking for you" he explained as he took a step closer and I took a step back "Don't- I hate when you do that"

"I don't understand why you couldn't of just told me" I said in defeat and I placed my hands on my hips.

"I wasn't sure how you would react. Telling your fiancé that your supposed to be dead ex wife is still alive is not an everyday topic" he said as I laughed.

"No but you would think it would be a 'Maybe before I make the decision to propose I should be honest with her' topic, fuck sake Draco" I breathed out as he looked to Astoria.

"Listen, AnnaLeigh why don't you sit and we'll explain everything" Astoria offered as I just simply nodded and took my seat one agin.

They explained everything.

To why Astoria isn't actually dead to why Draco never told me.

Turns out that Astoria really was sick and was told she was gonna die and that's why she left. She didn't want Scorpius to see her go through that pain and telling everyone she was dead was the easiest option. Draco never told me because Astoria wouldn't let him. She told him
To tell me when he thinks it's right.

They also added in that little detail of what they did to Daphne and Lucius.

"But that's your sister" I said as Astoria rolled her eyes.

"She may be my blood but she's also a massive pain in my arse. I loath her and I'm very ashamed to be related to her" she said as a small chuckle left my mouth.

"And Lucius?" I asked as she stood and poured herself some coffee.

"I never liked him. Convinced my father to be on board with this whole... marry Draco thing. Don't get me wrong, I love Draco but not in that way, he's like a brother. It was hard when he made us have Scorpius but neither of us had a choice" she shrugged as I bit my lip and nodded.

At first I was threatened by Astoria. Fearing she had a secret mission to get back with Draco but She's been back 'alive' for almost three years, more then Draco and I had been together and they haven't tried anything. She's also married to someone called Daniel Petri, he's like Italian or some shit and get this...

They had a child.

His name was Levi and he was 6 years old.

Astoria has managed to build herself this whole other life and without anybody even knowing she's actually alive. In some way I admired her for that.

"It's like you marrying Albus" Draco said as I laughed and cringed at the thought.

"Oh Merlin–that's gross" I scrunched my nose as Draco and Astoria laughed.

"You see that I have no intention on disturbing you and Draco. In fact when he told me I was thrilled, I thought he was gonna die still hung up on me" Astoria smirked as I laughed again. Draco sent her a playful glare.

I could see they really did have a good friendship and I felt so shitty for always assuming the worst. 

"I'm-" I went to say something when Astoria's phone rang. She looked down to her side with the intention of ignoring it but once she saw who it was she picked it up.

"I'm very sorry–it's my husband, I must get this" she smiled as she got up and left the office.

Once the door clicked closed I looked to Draco.

"I'm sorry" I said as I put my head down.

"For what?" He chuckled as I lifted my head again.

"For assuming the worst all the time. It's just that-"

"You've been through some shit and I know that. It's never your fault Anna and I never ever want you to feel like it is. You have every right to assume the worst because for you, it's always been the worst and these events lately aren't helping. You don't deserve that and I'm the one who should be apologetic" he said as he ran his hand over mine.

I flipped my palm and wrapped my fingers around his.

I have been to hell and back this past year and all I wanna do now is live my life worry free and there isn't anyone I'd rather do it with then him.

My person.

This wasn't supposed to turn out so sweet but I'm in my feels Rn 🙏😩

Word count 1410

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