"And you look like a whore." I snarled, entangling my hands in my hair once more.

"You don't really sound too good either," he got a little closer, making my life 100x harder, "are you feeling ok?"

I crashed my hand back on the wall and stared at him with eyes blown wide open, "Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!" I snapped at him.

"You're covered in sweat, aggressive, look like you didn't sleep before coming here, and probably overstimulated. You need to go home." He said. For the record, I didn't sleep last night, my mother was spotted in the area so I analyzed that for a while and then couldn't sleep so I came here.

I snickered pathetically as I let out a quiet scream of frustration, "How would you like me to do that?! If I drove right now I promise you I will intentionally kill a family of four coming back from their day at monster golf and tell the judge that I was cracked out on cough serum and needed to preform an exorcism!"

Crowley stared at me for a minute, "That's... oddly specific. Would the exorcism be because it was monster golf?"

"YES! OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE IT WAS MONSTER GOL-" I slammed my head into my knees and screamed again.

"There won't be anyone on the roads right now anyway. What time do you even think it is?" Asked in his o so theatrical way. If he ever asked a question that doubted me again I'd show him theatrics.

"I'm. Not. Fucking. Driving." I hissed.

"Just call the red haired kid to come get you." He suggested.

"Mmm, well, I would be overjoyed to, aside from the fact he ran the fuck away!" I forced an overly aggressive smile towards him.

"What?!" Crowley shouted and his knees never looked more breakable, "He knows everything, EVERYTHING! How could you let him get away!?"

I slowly got myself up from the ground and placed a hand on Crowley's shoulder, squeezing hard. I wanted so bad to get rid of this feeling, "Asher. Isn't. Shit." I reminded Crowley as I have so many times before, "He's in hiding and will stay in hiding until he either dies or comes back to me because Asher is a coward. Call my boyfriend," I roughly placed my phone into his hand, "he doesn't want to hear from me right now, but he doesn't want to hear from you even more so it really works out."

"Whatever, Mr. Tepes." He held the phone up to his ear and I instinctively listened closer to hear Yuu's voice when he answered.

"Hello?" There it was; the absolute euphoria of even slight relief from what I was feeling. He sounded groggy and that's when I remembered I had no idea what time it was, I felt bad for waking him up at god knows what time.

Hearing him made me go from aggressively homicidal to aggressively depressed. I felt so alone as soon as I calmed down even a little.

"Hi, is this Yuichiro?" He asked. I fucking hated Crowley. He asked the dumbest questions in the name of politeness or some other vile construct.

"Yeah." Yuu responded curtly and I could see him there, one arm hanging off the side of the bed as he laid there in one of those tank tops with the massive arm holes and shorts, eyes closed, hardly listening.

This was the major problem. Whenever I experienced literally anything regarding him even in the slightest I became so dumb. So while I may have wanted to present as aggressive and detached, all I could do was think about how warm he was, like a personal heater.

It was nearly impossible to keep up the persona around Kureto.

I'm a totally different person when he's not involved and he even knows that! He somehow some way wormed his way into my life and knows more about me than even I do. If he were anyone else he'd be in a ditch right now (metaphorically. I would never dispose of a body in a ditch, that's so reckless) but against my better judgment I am so insanely attached to him that I don't know what I'm going to do.

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