Chapter 11: Final Answer

Start from the beginning

I smile

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I smile. "Ugh! I forgot we have school tomorrow" Nai says groaning. It was Tuesday today, tomorrow is Wednesday. I roll my eyes before sitting on my vanity, fixing up my hair again.

That's when my phone rings, from the other side of the room. I turn my chair, as Nai jolts off the bed, grabbing the phone giving it to me. I look at the contact name, to reveal Nessie. "It's nessie!" I whisper/yell. "Pick it up!" Cynthia says.

I quickly pick it up, putting it on speaker. "Hey!" He says. "Hi!!" I say. "You ready? I'm picking you up soon, send your address" he says. "He sounds hot!" Cynthia whispers. Nai snorts.

"Yeah yeah, give me a second" I say. I go to the home page, before clicking messages. I go to his contact, as I write out my address. "Okay sent!" I say. "Sounds great, see you soon" he says. "See you soon" I smile. I hang up. Nai let's out a big laugh, as she was laying on my bed.

"It's not that funny" I say, trying not to laugh. Cynthia starts to laugh. "It was" she says, holding her legs. I chuckle. "Now, how am I gonna tell~" that's when someone from downstairs interrupts me. "Y/N! YOU READY?!" I hear Vinnies voice yell from downstairs.

"Why is he yelling? Aren't your parents home? And Didnt you tell him you couldn't go" Nai asks. "Moms not here, and dads in the backyard" I say numb.

"Girl I- go tell him now hurry!" Cynthia says. I nod, grabbing my phone I open the message to see that it didn't send. I roll my eyes putting my phone in my back pocket. I open the door, as they both follow me. "Stop here, and hear from the staircase" I say as we where at the the top of the staircase. They nod as I walk down.

I go to the living room, to see Vinnie standing up looking down at his phone. "Hey" I say approaching him. He was all dressed up, guilt entered my mind quickly.

He looks up from his phone, before smiling putting it into his pocket. "Hey, you look great" he says. "Thanks" I whisper a bit, looking at him. "So you ready?" He asks me. "About that...I can't really go" I say. His smile fades away. "Some things came up, and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it to dinner with you" I say.

He looks down a bit, before looking back up to me. "Oh- that's fine yeah, uhm..I'll see you later" he says, fake smiling.

I know how hurt he was, because he sounded extremely hurt. "I'm sorry" I say. "That's alright, I'm sure it was more important then this date I had planned out" I say. Wait, he planned more things out?

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, I had planned out to go to the diner..then after get some ice cream together..after we can go stargazing together" he says.

I now regret not picking Vinnie over some random dude I met less then a day ago.

"It's okay though, goodluck" he says, opening the front door before exiting. He closes the door behind him, as I felt very very sad. I felt extremely bad.

I stood there. "That's went well" Cynthia sarcastically says to me, standing in front of me. Nai places a hand onto my shoulders. "Okay, now I kind of feel bad" Nai says. "I do too" I say, with a frown.

"It's okay, you guys can do it this weekend" Cynthia says. "Right! Then you can see who you like more" Nai agrees. That's when I hear a honk outside.

We all three, run to the window looking out of it. It was Nessie. He was standing outside his car, facing my house. "Sh*t" I say before, jolting upstairs. I go to my room, grabbing my purse before walking out of my room. "I'll be back soon! Don't do anything stupid!" I yell to my siblings.

I go down the stairs straight to the girls. "You look amazing" Nai says. "Wait!" Cyn says. That's when she starts applying lipgloss onto my lips. I chuckle, as she finishes. "Okay now, you look great! Have fun, and don't worry about Vinnie" Cynthia says. I nod confidently. "We are actually gonna leave now because my mom doesn't want me out on a school night" Nai says.

I chuckle before hugging the two. "Thank you" I say before walking out the door. I close the door behind me, going up to Nessie. His car was really nice. "Hey! You look amazing" Nessie says. "Thank you! So do you" I smile. He smirks, before opening up the car door for me. I smile, sitting in the car.

He jogs his way to the drivers side, sliding in and closing the door behind him. He placed his hands on the wheel. "Ready for the fair?" He asks me. "Ready" I say, putting my seatbelt on.

A/N: not me feeling bad for Vincent Cole Hacker-

A/N: not me feeling bad for Vincent Cole Hacker-

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