Chapter 3: Dinner

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"For sure!" Maria smiles. They get off the couch, as Vinnie the older one, sends me a wink. I begin to blush, as Louis snorts. I turn my head to him. "That was funny" he says. I roll my eyes, as the other family leave the house.

"Mom, that was embarrassing. We don't have a dinner table, and she said that in front of Vinnie" Ariana says. I laugh. "Aren't you like, to young for a boyfriend? And he's 18" Kio says, pulling the bow off Arianas hair.

I laugh, heading upstairs. I'm already dressed, wearing a nice shirt and jeans, all I have to do is put some shoes on.

I enter my room, as I go threw my closet, finding some shoes, until I found perfect ones.

I grab them, putting them on. I walk downstairs, seeing my dad sitting on the couch. I sat beside him. "Dad, when do we really get a dinner table?" I ask,
Holding in my laugh. He looks at me, "tomorrow, we just moved in so" he says, turning back to looking at his phone. "True" I whisper to myself.

That's when I heard a loud foot step, enter the living room. I look up to reveal Kio, in a whole different outfit. "Why did you change your clothes Kio?" I ask him. He stands in front of me, looking at his shirt. "Well I mean, I just bought some new clothes last weekend, and I need to start putting them on..saving the good ones for the hot babes" Kio smirks.

I roll my eyes before sitting back.

Ariana and Louis then comes back down, sitting on the other couch, as Kio joins them. This time Ariana was wearing a small dress. "Why are you wearing a dress?" I ask. "I think we all know why she's wearing a dress" Louis chuckles.

"You guys are idiots" I say. "Don't call me a idiot, if last week you walked threw the back door, hitting your head because you didn't see the damn door" Kio points out about me. I look at them, then start thinking.

"Well, it was clear! How was I supposed to see it?!" I say defending myself. "You know, Kio is the idiot here! He's the one that drove mom and dads car into the mailbox, back at our old house" Louis says. We all widen our eyes. We look at our dad, who's looking straight at Kio.

Well, us 4 went out at night to go to the store to get junk food, and Kio was driving..then he backed up the car and hit our parents car into the mailbox, but we covered for him and said it was a deer. "I thought a deer hit the car" my dad says.

We all look at each other. "Okay guys, let's go" my mom says, putting earrings on. I was kind of confused why they all dressing good to impress this beautiful family..oh.

We all walk out the house, walking next door. Ariana knocks. "Ariana! I wasn't ready!" My mom whisper, yells to her. "Oops" Ariana smiles, fixing her dress. The door then opens, revealing the younger brother Reggie. "Hey! Come in" he smiles. We all walk in, as Maria comes up to us smiling.

"Follow me for the dining room" she smiles. The place looked good. We all follow her, seeing a table with lots of food. I then see there dad..and Vinnie. "Take a seat" she says. We all take a seat.. and the only seat left for me was, next to Vinnie..and Louis on the other side.

"This looks amazing!" My mom says. "Thank you"


We where all now eating, as the parents where talking, I haven't talked much. It's been 13 minutes at least.

"So what school are you going to?" Vinnie says, turning to me a bit, while eating. "I'm going to the school, not far from here" I say. "East Valley high school?" (I made up a school) he says. "Yup! Me and my wonderful..siblings are going, but Ariana because she's in 6th grade"

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