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Change of plan

"Initiate step 3," Tom said and after applying a charm that would protect his clothes from the dirt, he dropped down into the opening which led to the chamber of secrets.

Sliding down the pipe, Tom wrinkled his nose. "Couldn't Salazar Slytherin create a more dignified entrance to the chamber? This is just ridiculous. The chamber is no children's playground."

After sliding through the slimy pipe for about a minute, his ride came to a stop when the pipe levelled out and he shot out of the pipe's end. Prepared, from his earlier visits, Tom casted Arresto Momentum on himself, just in time to float to the ground gently.

After landing with a soft thud on the damp floor, he looked around and saw the familiar stone tunnel which led to the fabled Chamber of Secrets, home to Slytherin's mighty basilisk.

Tom took a deep breath, focusing on his task ahead. He stepped forward into the dark tunnel.

"Lumos!" he said and a bright little orb of flashing white light appeared on the tip of his wand. Tom held the wand above his head, creating a dome of light engulfing him and his surroundings but leaving the area around this dome in total darkness that seemed to consume the rest of the tunnel.

Tom Riddle had walked this path many times during the last months. He came down here for many reasons, the chamber is where he felt the safest in the entirety of Hogwarts. The Slytherin came down here to scheme and plot, ranging from daily Slytherin politics to his master plan. Down here, he was able to think without getting distracted or interrupted.

"The infamous master plan," Tom sighed and a smile creeped onto his face, his eyes sparkling in delight and anticipation. The boy felt satisfied, knowing that the plan was so close to being completed.


Two years ago...

Tom led Myrtle Warren to the library of Hogwarts, threw a quick smile to the librarian Mrs Pince who only let them hold their meetings in the library because Tom was her favorite student. Maybe one of the few students that she at least tolerated, 'liked' would be a bit too much for her.
Mrs Pince appreciated the respect and avid interest that Tom showed for her precious books.

Mrs Pince nodded back at Tom, returning his silent greeting and simultaneously granting him the allowance to use their meeting spot. After all, she was a very intelligent lady, even though Tom had some suspicions about her due to a remark that fell in one of his discussions with Albus Dumbledore, one of his favorite teachers, not because of his character but Tom respected the raw power, wisdom and magical potential that the man clearly possessed. According to Dumbledore, Irma Pince was already the librarian when he was a student and even tho Tom was smart enough to not inquire, he was sure that Dumbledore dropped this little bit of information on purpose. He obviously likes to test the people around him but so far Tom did not have the time to look into this.

The Slytherin guided the Ravenclaw girl over to a secluded corner of the library where he saw the rest of the group sitting around a table, apparently deeply invested into a homework debate.

He stepped close to one of the bookshelves and took out a book about fairies.

"Ehm, Tom?" Myrtle asked and looked at him confused. "What do you want with a book about fairies?"

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