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Jordan didn't leave immediately. He called his mother from where he was on Zachary's bed and did the best he could to explain what happened, taking great care to leave out the details of what they did before heading to school. His mother asked if Zachary had picked him up from the house and he lied with "Yes, Mom, he waited downstairs." She was the last person that needed to know of what went on after he took a shower. Jordan blushed just thinking about it. Telling his mother would kill him.

He stayed for lunch because he'd skipped dinner the night before and had only snacked on a strip of bacon for breakfast.

Kaye took the day off to spend time with both of them. She never said it, but Jordan was sure she enjoyed the company he provided. Every now and then she would look between Zachary and himself and this small, interesting smile would draw one side of her mouth up. It was like a cross between a grin and a smirk. Jordan wondered what she was thinking. A woman's mind is a wonderful thing he thought as he helped her clean and straighten the kitchen once more.

Jordan took a dripping ceramic bowl from her and began toweling it off. He set it off to the side because he didn't know where anything went and glanced around for Zachary, who he assumed had gone to the bathroom. Their spaniel bounced around his ankles, excitedly nudging his wet nose into the sweats he wore. "Mrs. Blay- Kaye, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Jordan," she replied without looking.

Steam rose from her hands as she washed the utensils they used for lunch and Jordan wondered if her skin was burning. "Did you know? I mean..." He licked his lips and looked away. Asking what was on the tip of his tongue was more difficult than he anticipated. "About Zach. Like, did you know?"

"If you're asking me if I knew he liked boys, then yes." Kaye gave him a crooked smile that resembled her sons so well that it surprised Jordan. "I've known for a while. He's never said anything, and I didn't ask, but a mother just knows." She rinsed the forks they used and passed them to Jordan's waiting hand. "He's never brought anyone home and there were times when he'd come and tell me that there was this pretty girl. I remember there was one girl he was hooked on freshman year. Maybe her name was Sam, I don't remember, but he never brought her home. There were little things I picked up on. Some things he would say. There were no in-your-face signs, but I just knew. And then he brought you home." Kaye passed a plate to Jordan. "And I've never seen him happier. I don't know if he's told you, but he really likes the way your socks match your jackets. And your nails, he likes them the way you paint them."

Jordan looked down at the blue paint chipping from his nails and smiled. "When we first started talking, they were pink. It was raining that day and my friend kind of called him over then left me." He left out many of the details but did tell her the way Zach flipped his hand over and admired his nails. "They were pink then and he said he liked them," Jordan repeated fondly. "He also smells really good. I don't think he wears cologne, but every morning when he comes into glass, he smells like gardenia. It's what caught my attention to begin with."

The water shut off and Kaye dried her hands on a separate towel. "I was surprised when he told me he was going over to your house to study that day. I'm sure the two of you didn't do much studying, right?" The sheepish, small smile on his face gave Kaye her answer. "And then he brought you home which didn't surprise me. He doesn't go out much, when he said he was going to your house, I knew he'd be bringing you by soon. And what you're smelling are these." Kaye dug into the designated junk drawer and pulled out a clear plastic packet. Inside were white wax melts. A few were missing and she slid it over. "Take these home and use them in your room. Zachary loves them."

"Is that good?" Jordan grabbed the pack and pushed it into his pocket with a nod. "That I surprised you, I mean."

Kaye laughed at the way Jordan's eyes widened. "I didn't know what to expect when he brought someone home. Would it be someone from the team? A girl? For a while I thought it was going to be Shawn because he would always grumble about the guy and at the time, I didn't know what was going on. And then you showed up. I can see why Zachary likes you so much." Jordan was sweet. She liked the sideways grin he had, and she would have killed to have that jet black hair. "You're good for him."

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