
80 2 4

So this game is similar to the last in that you get to ask a question, however there is no forest or blood needed, but before you get your hopes up, this one is much harder to get the conditions to play. with that, lets begin


1. 3 red candles

2. Desert sand

3. A lighter / Matches

4. a burlap bag

5. a door with a knocker ( you may have to install one on the door you wish to play with)

6. a dark quiet room

7. a question

9. (this one will be the hardest to get) you must play during the night of a lunar eclipse during spring 


1. to start move the curtains in front of the windows , shut off the lights, install the knocker to the door if needed, and clear the room of people ( except yourself ) 

2. at the eclipse arrange the candles in a triangle inside the room and light each one

3. make a circle around them with the sand and sit within the circle 

4. place the burlap bag over your head (be sure you can breath through it) and chant "Te nunce esse scientiam",  so when I put this into google translator it auto detects to it as Latin, and according to google translate it says "We now have knowledge" which surprisingly is a coherent sentence although google translate isn't exactly accurate so take it with a pinch of salt, 

5. chant that until you hear a knocking on the walls, when this is hear immediately stop chanting when this happens 

6. you should then hear the knocker banging on the door , welcome the knockertell into the room and ask you question, you may only ask one (and of course be respectful)

7. after they answer your question thank it and wait for it to leave ( if is doesn't leave my source just says, " your on your own"  so to me this means 1 of 2 things, A they could find no information, or B they feel it would be better not to say, so it would be something horrible so.

 8. Blow out the candles clear the sand and leave the room, it would also be safest to leave the building until six the next morning 



i give this a 7 because like idk it just doesn't feel very dangerous to me but also, that could be that there is a lack of information because my source said there was a lack of info so like ye idk what else to say but if any of you know for sure what "Te nunc esse scientiam" that means, and i was double checking it, and there may have been a spelling error because at one point they wrote it as "Te nunc esse scientiam" but in another they wrote "Te nunce esse scientiam" so I look what this means ( at least in google translate which is somewhat unreliable) but according to google depending on the spelling, it means "We now have knowledge" or it means "We now have the knowledge" so ye, but I'm still not sure if google is right 

N sorry i keep missing days lol, I just kinda say ill do it later since in doing something now, and then when later comes I'm super tired most the time lol, 

but I have to end it here because I have to pack for a sleepover now lol

Scary games to or not to playOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora