Three Kings

136 1 0


1. A large emty room, preferibly windowless

2. A bucket of water

3. A mug

4. A candel that will burn for an hour+

5. A lighter

6. A fan

7. Two large mirrors

8. Three chairs

9. An alarm clock

10. An active cell phone, be sure it has a full battery

11. A friend or someone else you know who will go along with this

12. a special object from childhood

     How to play

Set Up

1. Begin setup around 11 PM

2. Place a chair (Your Throne) in the middle of the room facing north

3. Place two more chairs (Thrones) exactly to the left and right about an arm's lenght away, facing your throne

4. Put one of your large mirrors on each chair (Thrones) exept yours, do your best to make them at a 90* angle or you may get the incorrect amount of kings, you should be able to see yourself in the mirrors in your periferal vision

5. Place the Bucket of water and mug infront of you, just out of reach

6. Place the fan behind your chair (Throne) on medium or low (Leave it on)

7. Turn the lights off and leave the room, door open

8. Set the candles at the side of your bed, next to the lighter, alarm clock, and phone(On the charger)

9. Alarm should be set for 3:30AM

10. Sleep while holding your object from childhood

Main Event

11. Imediantly turn off your alarm clock, DO Not turn on any lights

12. You have exactly 3 minutes to; light your candle, grab your phone and childhood object, go sit in your chair (Throne)

   If the following happen, abort "mission":

You did not get woken up

If the door to the "Throne Room" is closed

If the fan is turned off

How to abort

Leave the house with your friend, doesn't matter where you go. Just DO NOT return until after 6AM

If none of the previous have occured you may continue

13. DO NOT look into either of the mirrors, as you sit do not let the candle blow out from the fan (You should be sitting between them)

14. Stare straight ahead into the darkness, not the candle, the mirrors, or anthing else

15. You do not know which mirror represents the Queen or the Fool, you have a hour to ask questions and wait for answers

16. The "game" will end exaclty at 4:34AM

I should probley mention that my resource then drops in that, it's possible for the Queen or the Fool to drag you into their mirrors. To be safe, you have gotten multiple back-ups to bring you back. One, you arn't suposed to let the candle blow out, however if anything happens to you/ or no longer block the candle from the fan the candle would go out snd end the ritual.

You blow out the candle at 4:44 AM the "game" then ends, however is it blows out beforehand it just says your on your own



I give this "game" a 7 because the rules are somewhat specific and could easily go wrong, however its not an 8 though because it doesnt really talk a lot about how particiular things have to be so ye.

That's all bye!!!

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