Chapter Three

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An hour later the door opened to Jase with a plate of food and a bag.

"Here." He chucked the bag at me and placed the food on the flood. "Eat up."

"Thank you," I nodded.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Is there any books I could have to read?" I asked. "I mean like pack histories."

"Sure, I'll go and get someone to get you some books. I'll be back shortly."

Once he had left I ate the food that he had given me, it was really nice. I hadn't had a proper meal in forever. I opened the bag and saw clothes. When I pulled them out I realised they were female clothes but they were a couple of sizes too big. But I could deal with it.

After taking off the t-shirt I was given I pulled on the underwear first, it was a little big but I could manage. Then I slipped on the large sweater, it hung to mid-thigh. At the bottom of the bag I found some leggings, I knew they would have fit a child werewolf so I knew they would fit me.

I felt so much more comfortable wearing these clothes. I hated being in just a t-shirt.

When Jase finally came back after about half an hour he was carrying two books in his hands. They were large chunky books but I knew I could easily finish them. He chucked them onto the bed next to me, it seemed like he didn't want to get close to me.

"Who are you?" I asked Jase suddenly. I wanted to know his position in the pack.

"I'm Jason the beta of the pack. Lucas is third in command and you'll meet the alpha tomorrow."

"Thank you," I smiled at him. Even though I was a rogue they had treated me very well. Felt lucky to have stumbled across this pack instead of any other. There had been rumours floating around all my life that packs killed rogues that had crossed their borders without a second thought. But this pack hadn't done that, it made me curious to know who they were.

I picked up the largest book first once he had left. It read 'Werewolf Myths', ironically. I loved this sort of thing, there was something about it that I loved and found interesting. I had read so many books like this one, most of them were fiction but it was interesting to find out what humans thought about werewolves.

I opened the first page and starting reading. 'Two thousand years ago there was a lone rogue wolf, he had been forced out of his pack for something he didn't do. He was so lonely that he wanted to make a pack of his own, he travelled far and wide to find wolves that wanted to join him but he found none.

One day he came across a small village, they didn't try to attack him, they cared for him. They fed him until he grew strong and felt loved. He knew that they would make the perfect pack. So on the full moon of that month he went out and bit all of the villagers. This was the only way he thought that they would become like him, a wolf.

For a month the humans didn't change, their senses had heightened, they were faster, and they had better hearing and sight, but on the next full moon those over sixteen shifted into many wolves. The lone wolf went to visit them, he was now able to talk to them as they were in wolf form. They agreed to join his pack with him as their leader.

The next day they shifted back into human form, this surprised the lone wolf but he was even more surprised when they could talk to him in human form as well. Over time they learnt to shift from one being to another. From that day on they could shift into wolves whenever.

Over time the pack expanded, many more lone rogue wolves heard of what he did and turned humans into wolves. There were now many packs of these human wolves. They needed their own name, so they decided on werewolves.'

I couldn't believe what I was reading, I had never heard of how werewolves came about. It wasn't something that we learnt at school, all we were told was that the moon goddess changes some lucky humans and wolves into werewolves to stop the fighting between them. But now that was completely wrong.

I wanted to read more, to find out more about myself and the wolves. 'All alphas are decedents of the lone wolves. The lone wolves had found mates in the humans that they had changed. Alphas were the most powerful of all the wolves.

An Alpha must take the position of alpha on their twenty-second birthday, if they haven't found their mate before their twenty-second birthday they must find her within a year of becoming alpha, otherwise the beta maybe take the alpha's position.'

I had never learnt so much about alphas. I had to carry on reading. 'The True Alpha is the alpha descended from the first lone wolf, he will be born in a time of great need. His wolf will be the colour of pure black and he will be the fastest and strongest wolf that has ever lived. He will have power over all the packs, they will look up to him. He must lead by example. But there is only one wolf equally as strong as him, the white wolf.'

I had never heard of the white wolf before so I was curious to find about it. 'The white wolf will be sent to Earth by the moon goddess it a time of great need, like the True Alpha. She will grow up differently to other wolves because of her size and ability to shift at a younger age. She will be the smallest wolf in human form but as large as the True Alpha, the most powerful wolf to come. She will shift at the age of fourteen but she will not tell anyone about this ability and she will be afraid of her own fur colour. It is prophesied that she will be mated to the true alpha before her twenty-first birthday.'

I felt so sorry for the white wolf, all her life had been planned out and she would be treated differently from everybody else. At least she will know that she'll get her mate, I'll probably never meet mine. I mean I could be dead in less than a day, I am a rogue after all.

For the rest of the day I read through both of the books, I learnt so much about wolves, some stuff I had learnt before but a lot not. I was nervous for tomorrow because I was meeting the alpha for the first time, I just hoped that he would let me go and all of this would be forgotten.

I rested my head against the pillow and closed my eyes. I hadn't slept in a warm room for two years and it felt so good. I drifted off to sleep quickly.


Yay! Chapter Three is now finished.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. I thought it would be good to get a little bit of werewolf background into this story.

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Libs x

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