Chapter Two

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2 years later

It had been two years to the day that I left my pack. I hadn't heard once from my parents since then, I hoped they were having a good life without me. I was still upset that they hadn't contacted me at all, they knew I had my phone which they could call me on any time.

In the last two years I had been living in the woods, every month or so I moved to a new spot. I was sure I had travelled around all of the states by now. I always missed large pack borders because I knew what would happen to a rogue like me if I crossed them.

In my travels I had met smaller packs and stayed with them for a little while. I think because I was on my own they knew they could trust me and plus I didn't have the smell of a deranged rogue. I had made a few friends in those times but they didn't last long, I left too soon.

I hadn't been with a pack for about two months, the last pack I was with only had about twenty wolves, they were really nice but after being on your own for two years I wanted crowds of people, twenty was no one. I missed noise.

I had been running around in wolf form for the last few hours, I hadn't let my wolf out in ages she had been begging me to do so. We had ran everywhere, through rivers and streams, through thick mud and over rocky mounds. I was sure to be thick with mud.

I didn't dare look at myself.

Why you may ask. Well because I had never seen the colour of my fur, no one had ever seen my wolf. I was too scared to look and too scared for anyone else to see me. All I knew was that I had white paws everything else was a mystery to me.

Suddenly I was forced to the ground. I fell sideways landing awkwardly on my side. I looked to the left where the blow came from and saw two giant wolves beside me.

The bigger one was a deep chocolate colour with the same colour eyes. He emanated power.

The one behind him was a little smaller but only fractionally. He was a few shades lighter than the bigger wolf, in both fur and eye colour.

They stood there for a few moments without moving. There just stood there staring at me. Finally though the bigger on stepped forward but as he did so I flinched causing him to stop.

I was terrified of him.

At that moment he decided to shift. As he shifted I turned to face away, I didn't want to see him naked.

It was impossible for us to shift with clothes on which got tedious after a while but we had to live with it. I had read books about how werewolves could shift with clothes still on but it's just not possible. If we shift with clothes on they would rip because our body becomes bigger and a different shape.

"Face me!" The man growled with power.

Slowly I turned to face him. He was very handsome. Like his fur and eyes he had dark hair and dark eyes. He was also very tall and muscular. I whimpered as he stepped closer to me, he was less powerful in human form but I knew he could still easily defeat me. I had never had training so I was weaker than most wolves.

The wolf behind him had also changed. He had lighter brown hair and dark eyes like the other man. They were both very handsome. But I knew they didn't have all the power, there was someone higher than them in control.

"Shift!" the larger of them demanded. I didn't want to shift with them standing there, I didn't want the first time a man saw me naked like this. The man looked at me for a moment or two, he knew I wasn't going to shift when they were standing there looking at me. "Hand her your t-shirt Lucas."

Lucas, the smaller of the two wolves chucked a shirt my way, it landed by my paws. I looked up at them and they kept on staring at me. "Jase I think we need to turn around, she isn't going to shift when we're looking at her," Lucas said to the larger wolf.

"Fine, we'll turn around. Don't run away Little Wolf," he said to me.

They turned so their backs faced me. Once I knew they weren't going to look I shifted. I kept my eyes on them the whole time. As soon as I had shifted I pulled the t-shirt over my head, thankfully it reached to my knees. Only once I had changed did I realise how bad my arm was hurting, in the fall I must have crushed it. I whimpered as I touched it.

They both turned around at that point. They stared at me in shock, they didn't understand why I was so small when my wolf was quite large. "What's your name Little Wolf?" Jase asked.

"November," I told him quietly.

"Alright, we have to take you into questioning, you trespassed on our land and you're a rogue. You know what happens to rogues don't you?"

I nodded. "I didn't realise I crossed your land, I can leave and never come back."

"We can't let you go, the Alpha would want to speak to you," Jase said. He stepped closer to me and grabbed my arm, the uninjured one. Then Lucas came closer with rope in his hands. He grabbed my injured arm and I whimpered loudly. "You're hurt," Jase said. I nodded as tears spilled out of my eyes.

Carefully they wrapped the rope around my arms trying not to hurt me. I didn't try to fight them off because I knew that I would never win, they would get me before I could run ten steps.

"Let's go," Jase said. He pulled on my arm and I followed him.

We walked through the forest for a little while in silence, then we came to a big opening. In this opening there was a large house maybe three or four floors high. Around the outside of the opening were small houses that lead into the forest. It was beautiful. They dragged me towards the large house.

We headed inside and then down some stairs to the basement. "This is where we keep the rogues," Jase said. He headed to the room at the back of the basement, there was a door. He opened it and pushed me through. "You'll be staying here until the Alpha gets back tomorrow," he said as he untied my hands.

As they left the room I settled on the small bed pushed against the back wall. I couldn't believe that I had ended up here. I had been so careful for two years not to get caught but somehow I had crossed their border.


Chapter two is now finished.

I hope you enjoyed it. Please ask questions if you have any.

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Libs x

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