Chongyun: Yin & Yang Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Stand back!" Chongyun warned picking up a talisman he immediately started chanting a verse but it was too late, the spirit had already been disturbed resulting in blood curling Screams to erupt from it.

The traveler covered her ears and shut her eyes tight she decided to dash towards the door, getting away from the scene. She had just recovered she wasn't going to go through another fiendish experience.

Chongyun, unbothered by the situation continued chanting getting closer to the amulet he picked it up with caution he shut his eyes avoiding the gaze of the eye, 

It's said that after the spirit was disturbed the screams could potentially cause loss of hearing if that wasn't enough staring directly into it's eye, specifically the pentagram it would turn you into nothing but dust immediately on the spot.

He picked up a broken fang from the boreal wolf and stabbed the eye directly in to the pupil, thick black fluid seeping into the fang, Chongyun's clothes, he flinched as it splattered across his face.

This was the first time he had encountered a demon. This was much stronger, it must have accumulated alot of dark energy over time increasing it's diabolic nature.

The screams stopped, though it still echoed in the traveler's ears. Chongyun carried the amulet. The dark fluid mixed with some blood dripping from the eye

"We have to burn it and bury it's ashes." He explained

"Leave it to me." She assured


They left the pavilion. The view of daylight was a breath of fresh air, it felt like days since they saw the light of day.

They found a spot outside deep within the thicket of trees, She used her lighter to burn the god forsaken artifact. They gathered it's ashes shortly after, they placed the ashes of the incinerated artifact along with the fang that was tainted by the fluid and a blessed talisman. Crowding the items with soil to form a small pile.

He lit an incense stick with the help of her lighter and placed it near the pile.

She took a deep breathe and sighed. "How can you stand doing things like this on a daily basis."

"Back in liyue, the spirits i've dealt with are not nearly as robust as this one. This is a first for me. All the more makes me appreciate the effort and bravery it takes to be an exorcist." He spoke proudly.

She raised her brow, and smirked. "You have a point there." She sounded defeated when she admitted that. Nevertheless, the amulet was destroyed, now the question was. What next?

"I'm sorry your quest proved to be redundant. You came all this way and-"

She shook her head raising a hand up to her face "It doesn't matter, that artifact was a nuisance. It had to be purged off of this planet." 

She let out a sigh, She grabbed a dagger from her thigh holster, that looked way past it's prime. It was worned out and damaged but still usable to an extent. She ran her finger against the face of the blade. It must have mean't something to her considering  she hasn't discarded it yet. 

"Besides, i'm done with this life. I'm going to go on my own path, not run under someone's orders." 

"I wish you luck."

"Thanks Frosty." She said "You know, you're not..." she hesitated to continue, playing with her hair she looked away.

"I'm...What?" He asked, nagging her to continue.

"Ah, forget it." She scoffed. You both stood up from the ground and fixed your gaze at the sunset before you. 

"You think we'll run into each other again?" He pondered

"Tsk, Hope not." 

"Well, If you can. Come to Liyue sometime, i'll be sure to show you around!" He beamed. 

"Alright, yeah you do owe me." 

He scratched his head and wrinkled his brow

"I saved your life remember? You owe me dinner at this Restaurant you mentioned earlier!"  She pointed out

"Haha, Deal! But.." He added "then in that case, You owe me one t-" 

"Oop, sorry can't hear ya!" She playfully said and started running away from Chongyun, laughing out loud. 

Chongyun shook his head and smiled, he caught up to her and held out his hand. Confused at first, but later she understood that he was gesturing for a handshake before they parted ways.

Chongyun returned to Liyue, he told Xingqiu everything over dinner at the Wanmin restaurant. The traveler? Well, she decided to be the master of her own life. She continued her travels alone, enjoying every ounce of freedom she yearned for so long. She didn't forget about the deal you two made. It was a destination on her itinerary, and someday very soon she was going to visit that place for a big hearty meal with Chongyun. 


✧ Lonely Qingxin | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ✧Where stories live. Discover now