29. A Long Day (P2)

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"When finally I decided to talk to her I found by an employee thay her dad also died just after my perents...and I left her alone at that time. Then I read her latter in witch she said that she will never meet me again and that she taking something mine with her....I tried so much but I couldn't find her. She was gone....like she never existed." Tony is still frustrated in himself for not searching for her more. Maybe then he would have found Stiles earlier.

"She was pregnant at that time." Stiles chocked, tears filling his eyes. Tony nods in answer not trusting his words. Suddenly Stiles eyes widens and his expressions changes to anger.

"That means sheriff knew from the start but never told you or me anything even after mom." Stiles spits, feeling his hands curl into a fist.

"He must have hated me too much to let me know that I have a son." Tony says, trying to distract Stiles from his anger. He don't want Stiles to waste anymore energy on that man.

"The more I know the more I hate that guy. How could he do that....he never loved me nor he wanted to let me go. When I found out that he's not my father I never even though about trying to find my real one....you know why, becouse I thought he's enough for me....and after that I was afraid to drag another person in that supernatural shit. But look... now I found out that you're my dad after I already told you everything about my life." Stiles yells, breathing hardly.

"But you didn't put me in any dengar. I'm already iron man and an Avenger kid." Tony tries but Stiles shakes his furiously.

"It's not that.... Now that I know what he was doing....I feel used. Li- like I knew everything from start but was being blind....I- I hate this feeling. I was waiting for something to heppend witch didn't exist." Stiles says, his chest constrict in sobs, witch don't even make sound but Tony know they hurt the most, they make you feel like you can't breathe.

Tony always finds himself lost in that kind of situation. He don't know how to console a person. He's always been bad with emotions and he'll always blame Harvard for that.

"You can kick all of their asses for doing that....and I'm coming with you." He says, and Stiles chuckles through tears.

"It's like everything around me was fake. The people I love....I saved. The life I lived......even my name is fake. Everything and everyone was with me for a reason.... they never cared for me." Stiles chocks. It hurts him to even think about them now but he can't turn his face from reality anymore.

"...and what did you have now?" Tony whispers, wrapping his one arm around Stiles.

"Scars....left by them.... emotional and physical. Nightmares.... witch shows me their reality.....and I still felt like a horrible person to think like that about them." Tony can feel himself shaking with anger with every word Stiles spoke. He was finally seeing there real faces but he felt bad to think bad about them. How can he be so selfless, that it hurts him to hate them.

"But not everything is bad....I also found a family....new friends. Who wants nothing from me but my happiness. I- I found m- my real dad." Stiles whispers in the end.

This time Tony couldn't hold his tears back and puts his other hand around Stiles too. Indirectly but Stiles stills called him dad. Even if Stiles was finding it hard to hate them, he accepted the fact that thay don't deserve his love. He can't ask for more today.

"I couldn't save you from them that time....and I'll always hate myself for that even if I know I wasn't aware of you that time. But now....if anyone tried to even touch you, I swear he will not see next sunrise of his life. You're my son and even if you weren't I would have felt the same." Tony says, with determination. Stiles tightens his hold on him in response.

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