"ADAM!" He's saying something to me. It's hard to understand him at first.

"I'm not losing you already, am I son?"

"No sir."

"You know you made a big mistake by disrespecting me tonight."


"Don't you ever think it's OK to second guess me."


"To go against what I say."


"I am your Alpha and you will do."


"What I tell you to do."


"When I tell you to do it."

"You're acting like you got the short end of the stick. Amanda is easy on the eyes and from what I've heard from some of the younger guys, she knows her way around the bedroom. I know she no Ari but you're going to have to get over that buddy. I have plans for you. I've always had plans for Ari."

Panic floods me. What plans does he have for Ari? He's never mentioned her before. I don't even want him thinking about her. "Leave Ari alone." I yell out

He punches me in the mouth. "There you go, thinking you can tell me what to do. I guess you need some extra motivation this meeting. I don't have a problem beating Ari out of your brain. You will submit and learn your place."

"Please, just leave her alone." I cry out. He punches me repeatedly in my face. I try to open my eyes but they are already beginning to swell shut. I'm trying to breathe, to catch my breath but I am choking on my own blood. I feel the whip come around my throat, he's choking me now. He's lifting me up by my throat, I can feel his breath on my face.

"I knew you were going to be difficult, that's why I called in a few friends of mine." I hear the door open. I'm hit with a few different scents. I recognize Alpha Lance and Amanda's scents first. I have no idea why they would be here. Someone starts talking but the blood pounding in my head is preventing me from understanding what they are saying. I try to take some deep breaths so I can focus long enough to figure what's going on around me.

"Collect some of his blood and bring it over here to the table." The voice comes from an older woman. I don't recognize her. I can sense Amanda moving towards me to get some of my blood into the bowl. "Don't touch me." I growl out. My dad immediately punches me. I fall towards the ground but the chain catches on my wrist, preventing me from hitting the ground. Amanda continues getting my blood then I hear her walk away back towards the table. "I need you to add some of your blood into the bowl as well." The woman instructed Amanda. I smell the scent of fresh blood, so I assume Amanda did as instructed. The woman started to chant something. My panic soared to new heights. My father has brought in a Mage, a user of magic. It's no telling what she's planning on doing with my blood. I've heard terrible stories of what a Mage can do with someone's blood. They can control your mind and your body. I've been strong for so many years. I haven't cried in so long but the thought of the Mage having my blood and my father's mystery plans for Ai was enough to break me. I began to sobbed like a baby. I begged for my dad not to go through whatever he had planned. I felt my legs give out, the only thing I could do was hang there while I cried and pleaded for him to change his mind. I heard their laughter in the background.

I feel Amanda back at my side. "We're going to make a beautiful couple. I will make sure we stay happy together." She cups my face with both hands, brushing my hair out of my face. I can tell some of it was stuck to my face with sweat and blood. "I can make you happy, Adam. Happier than you could've ever been with her." She starts to giggle. "We don't have to worry about her for much longer anyways." I start to fight against my chain. Praying for strength to break free. "Adam, don't get yourself all worked up. You're damaging your body and I have plans for it later."

"Amanda...seriously?" I can hear Alpha Lance call out...

"What? He's, my mate. What did you expect?"

"How about some self-respect... Goddess!"

I hear Amanda let out a deep breath and lean closer to my ear. "Any moment now you will be forgetting about her. I will be the only one your heart desires. I'm going to be a great Luna. I will make sure you lead the pack to a promising future. You just have to relax and let me take care of you. That's all I want to do."
She leans even closer and kisses my neck. I feel vomit trying to make its way up my throat.

"How much longer is this going to take?" Alpha Lance asks the Mage.

"A few more minutes. You can't rush spells. I have to charm both of the necklaces that they will be wearing, then I have to pour their blood inside the pendants. It's a process, better done uninterrupted." She sneered

"If you want your family alive when you get home, I suggest you drop the attitude." My father states

I see him and Alpha Lance have made their way over to his minibar. They're both enjoying some more alcohol. They're acting like its normal for someone to be hanging from a whipping post bloodied. But I guess I should be use to this as well. This has been my life for almost 11 years. I feel Amanda as she continues to rub on me. Her touch makes me feel nauseous. I continue to try to move away from her. "Can you please stop touching me. I don't want you to even breathe on me." I yell in her face.

"That won't last for long. When I get done with you, you're going to be begging me to keep touching you. Why are you acting so shy? Have you never been touched before?" She leans in closer to whisper. "Are you a virgin?" She looks into my eyes and squeals. She can read it on my face. If I didn't know any better, she looked like she was about to open a present on Christmas morning.

"I'm going to have so much fun breaking you in. Don't worry baby I won't hurt you." I start pulling at the chains again while I send another pray to the goddess to help get me out of the situation. I'm kicking myself; I should've left like Ari said. I thought I knew my father but I guess I didn't know him well enough. I never would have expected him to do this to me.

"Okay, it is time to place the necklaces on." I hear the older woman call out.

Amanda leaves me to walk over to the woman.

"What am I supposed to do?" Amanda asks

"Grab a necklace then go place it around his neck." The woman instructed

I see Amanda pick up a necklace and walk towards me. I start moving away from her. The little strength I have left I use to avoid her. The next thing I know someone is kicking the back of my legs, at the same time, someone punches me in the stomach. Both actions leave me in a bowing position. Amanda takes the opportunity to place the necklace on me. It burns against my skin. I can tell my body and my wolf are fighting against it.

"Is it ok for me to put on the other necklace myself? Does he have to put it on me as well? Amanda asks

"No, it doesn't matter with the person who's wanting the spell. It's only important that you place the necklace on the person you are wanting to enchant. Since you're the one going to be in charge."

You gotta be kidding me. No way I can let this psycho get control over my mind and body. I start to stand up so I can get my hands closer to my neck, so I can rip it off. I just need to get close enough to yank this necklace off. My father sees what I'm attempting to do, he makes his way over towards me. Once by my side he pours the remainder of his drink onto my open wounds. I know his glass was full of alcohol and wolfsbane because of how it burns flowing over my skin. He starts punching me, his hits are powerful, showing me no mercy. I start to go in-and-out of consciousness. My wolf is trying to call out to Ari. I know it's fruitless because we haven't mated yet but he feels like he needs to call out to her just the same. I envision her in my head as my world starts to go black. The last thing I hear, in between my wolf's howls, was the voice of the old woman.

"It is done." Then darkness consumes me. 

Ari's Reverse HarlemWhere stories live. Discover now