four || "You Can't Be Serious!?"

Start from the beginning

You couldn't shut him up after that.

"You think she likes me?" He threw his head back popping the pills in his mouth taking a swig of water to wash it down.

"Are you kidding? She took off your shoes and cleaned up almost all of your stuff before she left. I'm sure she wouldn't have done that if she felt nothing for you."

He perked up instantly.

"Would you ever ask her out?" I asked.

He huffed as if I was making some kind of joke.

"As soon as you ask Summer out."

I tensed at the mention of her name. I hadn't spoken to her yet this morning, maybe I should shoot her a text?

"Why are you smiling?"

I was? I didn't even realize.

"Nothing. I have some stuff to take care of. Make sure you drink lots of water okay?"

"Yes, mom." He waved me off, putting his head back into his arms, and fell onto his desk.

Devon: Good morning, can I see you?

She was probably still asleep. I slammed Tyler's door just to piss him off, satisfied when I heard his yell echo down the hall.

"Hey, stranger." A female voice called out. I kept walking unsure of who they were referring to.


I stopped mid-step and turned my head to find Claire walking down the hallway.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath. I wasn't in the mood for this.

"Hey Claire, what's up?" I had no reason to be a dick to her. "Where've you been? I never see you around anymore."

"You never saw me around in the first place." That is what I wanted to say, "I've been busy. How'd you do on that test?"

She looked at me disapproving.

"Is that what we're renounced to? Talking about our class?"

I was confused, "what else did we ever talk about Claire?" I could see now, she wouldn't be easy to shake off. I admired her persistence, I just wished she would put it towards something more fruitful.

She ignored my statement and flashed me a toothy grin, "I was thinking maybe we could study together soon?" I hadn't noticed until now that she was a couple of feet closer to me than before.

"Yeah, I'll hit up the others from class and we can make a group me or something."

"W-wait, that wasn't what I-"

"I'm really in a rush Claire, I'll see you in class okay?" I walked off not letting her get a word in.

Was this girl incapable of taking a hint?

                          Summer's POV

"You can't Be serious!?" Jess screamed.

"shhh, some people are still sleeping you know!" She rolled her eyes and tossed her half-eaten breakfast to the side. "Is that why you made me breakfast!? Trying to butter me up before you dropped a bomb?"

"Clearly it didn't work," I mumbled under my breath. I grabbed her plate finishing off her leftover waffle.

"I can't believe this." It was kind of cute how she was stressing herself out over this, I didn't think she would be in this much shock. "Look it's not a big deal okay? It's not like we had sex."

𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑨 𝑴𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now