F O R T Y - F I V E

Começar do início

"That's the question we've been asking ourselves for centuries" he said with a twinkle in his eye "Some of the Pack thinks it's because of our wolves and other think it's because we're more in tuned with our Spiritual faith." 

"But you don't believe those reasons, do you?" 

He shook his head "No, I don't." 

"Why not?" 

"I mean, they could definitely be a possibility of why we were able to resist the temptation" he leaned back "But I don't think they're the main reason." 

 "Weren't you one of the first Guardians?" I arched an eyebrow "Shouldn't you know why our family was able to resist?" 

"I was the first Guardian" he corrected "But that doesn't mean I know why we were able to resist while other were not." 

I deflated "So the only reason we were chosen as these Guardians was because we were able to resist temptation?" 

He shrugged "Among other things." 

"Such as...?" I pressed for more information. 

He grinned at me "Things that you will find out once you've lived a long and hopefully happy life." 

My eyebrow shot up to my hairline "Hopefully happy?" 

"Something troubles you, Honiahaka" He nodded "Your Wolf is restless and pacing so much that my Wolf is starting to become anxious." 

"You can feel my Wolf?" I gaped at him. 

 "And I can see her too" He nodded "She is a strong warrior. A little wild but strong. A good fit for you." 

"A boy troubles you deeply" he murmured suddenly, looking rather uncomfortable with the turn of conversation "It is interfering with your spiritual connection with your Wolf." 

My mouth nearly dropped to the floor at his words. 

I must have had "Pathetic Lovesick Loser" tattooed on my forehead because nobody, and I mean nobody, could have guessed that the troubles I was having were because of my Mate. 

 "Josephina told you" I narrowed my eyes "But why would she tell you if she warned me that your were an unemotional Wolfbot?" 

He choked on a laugh "A what?" 

"An unemotional Wolf Robot that is incapable of feeling human emotions" I explained "She said that you hated crybabies." 

He cocked his head to the side "My daughter said that?" 

BLOOD MOONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora