{Chapter 8}

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Nikkis POV

As im running to Pogtopia, my mind is instantly racing. Thinking all about if Reaper is gonna catch up to me. She never told me her actual name so until then I will have to keep calling her Reaper. I already knew all about how she is the scariest person you will ever meet if you are on the enemy team, so I know she will make it out alive.

I keep running even if I hear thunder cracking right behind me right where she is fighting with Quackity and Fundy. In that moment a Trident that whipped past my face almost cutting me in the process, I already know that is her other weapon cause I never saw Fundy or Quackity with a trident at all in my years living in the DreamSMP. Seeing what The Reaper can do up close. Im glad I choose to fight on this side cause i never want to meet the end of her trident.

   •Y/n's POV•

I kept a hold of Neptune incase i meet anyone else and i would have to fight them as well. I was keeping my eyes peeled down below until i see a bright light being shun right at me and I look straight down and I see a figure waving at me. I raise my eyebrow and slowly i fly down to the figure and a distinct form comes to life.

"What do you want Dream."

"You." He says and I give a disgusted face.

"I dont go with guys who work with the government." I say and he just shakes his head.

"What a shame. Having the most beautiful girl on my team, With George and Sapnap, we would be unstoppable. Think of the power Reaper." He says with a fist.

"So. Join me." He asks as he puts his hand out for a shake and I just smile and start laughing in his face.

"Join you? Fucking Priceless! Who knew that THE Dream has fucking Humor. You make me laugh, thinking that I would ever fight along you. I would rather be a government weapon than join your side." I say loudly.

"This is going be filled with fucking Chaos so Dream. I wouldnt try to manipulate me, I would never get manipulated by amateurs. Maybe start off with a kid cause thats where your skill set is better off with." I say and I notice he is reaching in his cloak for something and clench my Trident not knowing if there is going to be another fight that they are prepared for. I will say though, Dreams fighting skills are on a much higher pedestal than Fundy and Quackitys, Making this fight just slightly better.

"Thats where you are wrong. Our skillset together fighting along side, we can down L'manburg. Burn it all to the ground, just like you did to your home village." He says. I know he was smirking behind that mask as well.

  My knuckles turned white from holding Neptune way to tightly at his comment. I dont know how how found out about that but I know he will use it against me every chance he gets.

  "My village has nothing to do with this conversation right now dream. So i would shut your god damn mouth before I force it shut." I say through my teeth as I tighten my hold on Neptune more. If Neptune wasnt forged by a god, it would be broken by now.

  "Why should I shut up? Knowing you, you'll just kill me like you did to your brother. All because he wouldnt...oh what did he do again? I cant quite put my finger on it." Dream ponders as I try to keep as much cool as I can before this green man is murdered at my feet.

"Shut up dream." I say through my teeth as tears are threatening to escape infront of dream.

  "No...I dont think I will." He says as he slowly tilts his head as he also starts to step forward as well.

"Oh thats right! All because he killed your beloved childhood lover. Ethan." He says and thats when my mind instantly brings back memories.

  "COME ON Y/N! LETS PLAY!" A young version of Ethan yells as he is running into the woods and I run after him and then he turns around giving me the warmest smile.

  "Lets runaway together." A older version of the boy says and I instantly agree not knowing what is going to happen in 2 months.

  "ETHANNN!" I scream as my Brother is standing over his lifeless body covered in Ethans blood, smiling at me as tears are pouring out of my face. I keep screaming my heart out not knowing in that moment is when I will become who I am today.

  "How." I say as a tear slips down my face as flashes of his dead body is happening in my mind.

  "How what Reaper." He asks and I just look at him coming face to face with a masked green man.

  "How the FUCK DID YOU KNOW!" I scream at him making him chuckle.

  "I know many things Reaper. Many many things that will all come together if you just join me." He says and he puts his hand out again and I look at his hand thinking all about what he knows. Who knows what he will do with that information, the enemy can use it against me.

  I was about to shake his hand until arrow flys past our hands and Dream looks where its coming from and I smile knowing exactly who it is.

  "Dont you dare join their side Reaper. Who will destory the government along side with me. Heh?" Techno says and I chuckle and I spread my wings and fly next to Techno who is on a tree as Dream is just staring at him.

  "You see Dream. You may know about how I became The Reaper, but you will never know what my next move is, but what you do know. We have the blade and the Reaper, Watch out for us." I say with a smirk, trying to push down that he almost got me to join his side with just the mention of Ethan.

  "Who wishes to fight must first count the cost." Techno says and Dream just nods.

  "Lets hope in the future the three of us can work together." Dream says as he walks back into the DreamSMP.

  "That will never happen." I say and I turn to Techno and he shakes his head in disappointment.

  "Your lucky i saved your ass." He says as he jumps down from the tree and heads back to Pogtopia and all I can do is look up in the sky with a tear falling down.

  "Am I doing the right thing Ethan..." i ask to noone and all I can feel is the wind giving a slight breeze making me smile at a thought.

  "Y/n. Our Love is like the wind, weightless and Free. If anything happens to me, I hope I can watch over you. I Love you My Love." Ethan says as he kisses my cheek.

  Please forgive me Ethan.


  Hello my lovely readers! Hannah here and back with another chapter of the reaper. Who knew, another chapter in just a week! I love you all and thank you for showing me so much support and all of your kind words have really helped me motivate and continue writing this book! Again I owe all my success to all of you my lovely Readers and Supporters!

  If you can please smack that vote button in the fucking face! I love you all and I hope you all a wonderful day!

  Make sure to watch MCC championships as well! I am alittle upset that Technoblade will not be joining in this time but I completely understand. Comment down below who you guys are rooting for, im honestly rooting for Pink Parrots and The Green Guardians.

  May the best team win :)


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