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You wake up with a kick on your rear and between your shoulder blades. You groan and stretch your limbs.

"Dean." He grunts in his sleep and turns around as you quickly get up, walking to the bathroom. You freshen up and head to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. After some time, Dean is still asleep and you decide to let him. Instead, you head to Baby and drive to the bakery in town.

"Hi ma'am, is there any cherry pie left?"

"Sure thing, here. Want anything else?"

"Yeah, I huh I'll take some chocolate muffins and a pecan pie please." She nods and gives you the pies and you smile at her before exiting the bakery. You head to the nearest Starbucks and take your favorite coffee before heading back to the bunker.

"Y/N? Y/N! Oh god you're here!" Dean runs to you as you close the door of the garage.

"What? What's up? Dean calm down dude I'm here." You put the coffee and the pies on the war map before taking Dean in your arms. He sighs and closes his eyes.

"You freaked me the hell out, searched for you everywhere."

"Relax Dean, just went out in town. Got you some pie."

"Thank god." He breathes out.

"C'mon Dean." You take his hand and lead him to a chair.

"Stay here, I'll come back with a couple of forks and some coffee yeah?" He nods and you head to the kitchen, coming a couple of minutes later.

"I've already had breakfast but I'll eat some pie with you."

"Thanks sweetheart."

"Took a pecan pie and a cherry one too. That okay?"

"Ooooh yeah, that's very much okay." He licks his lips as he opens the box, revealing a juicy cherry pie.

"Oh me lovey." He digs in and sighs, so fucking good and yummy. As he chews on his slice, you get up and put your hair in a messy bun.

"Imma head to the shooting range, 's been awhile."

"'Kay, maybe I'll join you later, if not think I'll be in the garage." You nod.

"Don't finish the pie dude, save me some." He pouts and grumbles as you chuckle, walking away to the shooting range. A few times later, you're so focused on firing that when you feel a hand on your right shoulder, you jump out of your skin.

"Dean!" You expect him to laugh but when you turn around, he seems worried.

"What- what happened?" You frown.

"What do you mean?"

"That." He touches the patch of skin between your shoulder blades and you sigh.

"It's nothing, don't worry."

"No it's not nothing, c'mon what happened?"

"You, dumbass. You happened." You chuckle.


"Got kicked this morning, here and in the ass, literally. Good way to wake up by the way, just don't do it all the time."

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry Y/N." He touches softly the bruised patches of skin.

"Hey dude, I've almost died more times than I can count. A couple of bruises won't do anything Dean."

"Still. I'm sorry." You kiss his cheek and wrap your arms around his waist.

"How about we go watch a movie, we eat lunch and think about something to do tomorrow?"

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