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Today, you both get up at the same time, the two of you doing your stuff as if nothing happened. You're not in denial, not at all, it's just that I wouldn't say it was casual and stuff but y'know. It's more like a 'we kissed hard yesterday night, let's see what happens next' situation.

"Mornin'." You turn around and smile at Dean.

"Morning, slept good?" He nods and plants a kiss on your left cheek before heading to the coffee pot.

"Planned something for today?"

"Nope, why?"

"Nothing, think imma just do usual stuff y'know? Clean the guns and all."

"Okay, I'll go get some stuff at the store and clean up a bit then." He nods and finishes his coffee before heading to his room. You finish your breakfast and head to your room as well to change before walking to the garage, pulling up your car on the road for the supplies. You grab some stuff to eat and basically anything you've not in the bunker. Once back home, you store the stuff you bought and take a sit on the table, thinking about what to do now. Oooh I know. You smirk to yourself and walk to your room to change, flip flops, a pair of shorts and a simple shirt. You fill up a bucket and take some sponges before heading to the garage to wash Baby. When you walk into the war room, Dean looks up and his jaw drops to the floor. Those tight shorts of yours fucking hell.


"Huh yeah what?" He squeaks out and you chuckle to yourself.

"You okay?"

"Mmh. Yeah. Fine mmh why?"


"What huh, what are you doing?"

"I was wondering if me washing Baby was okay? Since I'm gonna wash my own car, you know, kill two birds with one stone."

"Yeah yeah hum, awesome."

"Wanna join?"

"Nah, I prefer watching." When he realizes what he'd just said, he can't help the blush reaching the top of his ears.

"I huh erm yeah." He scratches the back of his head. You chuckle softly and keep walking to the garage. Once in front of the impala, you put the bucket on the floor and put on some music before starting to wash the car, soaping her all the way up. You make sure to wash her up so she can shine. But now you gotta climb on the hood to be on the roof... You hesitate, and hell, it's better to ask him. So you quickly head to the war room.

"Dean, I huh, to clean your car great, I have to climb on the roof, she's dirty. Would you let me?" When he looks up, he sighs. You're soaked from head to toe and fuck you're so hot.

"Y/N why are you doing this to me?" He whines and you frown.

"What?" He gets up and strides to you. He looks down at you and bites his bottom lip. You blush when he puts his hands on your hips.


"Dean I huh." He brushes his lips against yours and-

*bip* *bip* *bip* Dean sighs, it's Sam.

"What? No Sam we're good, how's Eileen? Okay. See you Sammy."

"How's Sam?"

"Good. Good. Hum, you asked me something earlier?"

"Oh huh yeah, I need to clean the roof and to do so, I need to climb onto the hood, can I?"

"Yes yeah huh yes you can. Here hum imma help you." He follows you to the car and can't help but be in awe, his Baby has never been this clean. She's so shiny, still soapy but already perfect.

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