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Dean checks his watch and smiles as he sees he has enough time. Sam looks at Dean preparing you some scrambled eggs and some bacon along with some coffee and some buttered toasts.


"Shut your face Sam. If you're gonna be such a pain in the ass, go find Eileen alright?"


"Don't what me Sam, I saw you with her so you're gonna call her and tell her you need to meet and you're not gonna come back until next Monday you hear me?" Sam grumbles something before heading to his room. Dean smirks before collecting everything he needs to bring you breakfast in bed.

As you slowly wake up, you groan and stretch before opening your eyes. You look up when you see Dean poking his head in.

"You up sweetheart?" You chuckle.

"Yes." He pushes the door, closing it with his foot before heading to you.

"Dean- what are you doing?"

"I'm bringing you some breakfast. Room service little lady." He smiles proudly and you can't help but smile.

"Well thank you Dean." You kiss his cheek and begin to dig into your plate, not seeing the light blush on his face.

"After that, you gonna take a nice shower and join me at the war room yeah?"

"Yeah okay." About 20 minutes later, you join him and sit on the table right next to Dean's chair and frown.

"Where's Sam?"

"He took off to see Eileen. Said he didn't find a case and he wanted to enjoy the free days so it's you and me for a whole week." At his words, you can't help but feel your heart flutter in your chest.

"Yeah?" He nods and smiles as you beam at him.

"Oh my god!" He closes his eyes and breathes in your scent as you hug him tight.

"This is gonna be so much fun!"

"What do you wanna do first?"

"I know you're not gonna like it and think it's cliché but I need to go shopping. I need to buy girly clothes and basically fresh clothes that don't have blood stains on them." Dean chuckles before getting up from his chair.

"Well then m'lady, shopping it is."


"Yup, c'mon let's go sweetheart." You beam at him before leading the way to Baby. More or less 70 miles later, Dean parks the car at the mall.

"Here we are sweetheart. Where do you wanna go first?"

"Would you help me pick clothes?"

"Of course, lead the way." Once inside, Dean smiles as you tug at his right hand and lead him through the first shop.

"Okay so, imma pick some things and you'll say yay or nay okay?"

"Yup." Dean lets you walk ahead of him, he just looks at you, picking up happily clothes before turning around and genuinely smile at him.

"Time to dress up for me." He smirks and you roll your eyes before chuckling.

"Don't think imma do a lap dance for you Deano."

"Aww why? We were having so much fun." You smack his arm and he laughs before kissing the top of your head.

"Alright, let me take this, go try these on." He takes a sit while you get in the changing room.

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