He nodded his head, impressed by the ethics of his brilliance, lest he knew that he and Caldor-Ex were related. To solidify the enhancements of Codex's technology, the A. I was able to match his blood with that of his father in a matter of seconds.

"After assessing your blood sample, it would seem Caldor-Ex is your father. Not just that, there are three more like you on this planet."

"Whoa, whoa, hold up for a second. I do not have siblings!" He exclaimed as a look of puzzlement filled his countenance.

"It turns out that Caldor-Ex has three other children. All four of you are related by blood."

For a moment, he walked around the exact spot where he stood and placed his hands on his head. Words couldn't describe the astonishment that dwelt within him. Of course, it's not every day that you find out that you are a terrestrial being from an alien planet. Moreover, you have three other siblings roaming the continent, unaware of their real identities.

"What a sec; not only do I have a father I don't know about, but I also have siblings across the states?"

"Indeed. Unfortunately, your father broke our homeworld's most absolute law. That law prohibited the activation of our race's dormant genes."

"What happened to him?"

"One who breaches the planet's most absolute law is punished by death."

Sam swallowed a hard lump and said, "So he was murdered, huh?"


"How do you know so much information? And who are you? Who created you?" He asked with his arms crossed.

"I am B-22; your father created me. The Scout Ship of EX has been on this planet for more than five centuries," she answered.

"What are these dormant genes?" His brows narrowed with curiosity.

"Codexians were once capable of tremendous power, they nearly destroyed their homeworld due to it. Over time, they lost their roots by deactivating their dormant genes. This was done through the help of their technological advancements."

"So what have these genes done to me?"

"They've made your body sturdier, even to the point of being indestructible. You are the only one who can find out what your powers are. I cannot make a deduction without witnessing them firsthand," she answered.

"The others....can you try to find them... my siblings?"

"Yes. "

"Please locate their whereabouts." He said firmly.

"Affirmative. " B-22 replied.


Gordon, the knight of bloodshed, is revered throughout Codex. Not only does he take the helm of leading Codex's second division in the military, but he is as savage as they come. It is without a doubt that he is Codex's most reliable soldier.  

Gordon has led the Codexians to several victories by conquering nearby planets, unbeknownst to earthlings. They stripped them of their mineral resources, food supplies, and industries. 

Codex; At The Royal Palace

Gordon was summoned to the office of Councilman Bor-Jor. He walked through a long hallway that consisted of flooring made of glass. The glass flooring was garnished with a frame of squares to embellish its features. Moreover, beneath the glass flooring was a large tank of water. The length of the tank began from the entrance of the hallway towards the end of it. Several paintings were displayed against the walls of the area. The difference, though, is that these paintings were moving. For instance, there was a painting of a cybernetic organism modeled in the shape of a stallion. The figure galloped across a desert-like environment. Or so it seems as the background moved, sliding towards the left frame while the organism sprinted on the same spot.

Standing before the indigo, colored glass door, he placed his hand against the flat, rectangular, biometric scanner. The device emitted red light and scanned his hand.

"Access granted, welcome, Knight of Bloodshed."

The glass door slid open, and he got inside. While inside, he found himself in the middle of a white room. The cube structure mimicked the Heavens as a haze of white mist shrouded his surroundings. Fortunately, it only reached his knees. A bright red light scanned him from head to toe. When it had done so, it teleported him to a different location.

He was teleported to an underground facility. He stood on what seemed to be a long railless bridge that spanned from both sides of an enormous, cylindrical room. The bridge was suspended above an abyss of darkness. Not even an eagle's sight could see beyond the dark, endless pit. Amid the bridge, there stood a tall magistrate bench. The tall pulpit-like structure towered at least four inches over Gordon's average height.

He looked up to face Bor-Jor and said, "Councilman Bor-Jor, I am at your service."

Bor-Jor then addressed him, "For Eighteen years, we've been searching for the whereabouts of Caldor's four children. Now it seems that we know where they are." He said as he stroked his big, brown beard.

"Oh, Really now? Where might they be?" Gordon replied with a smirk.

"...On a planet called Earth. The androids were able to locate one of Caldor's distant scout ships. This means that Caldor had a backup plan. He knew that there was a possibility that we would found about his treason. Therefore, he sent one of his ships to Earth long ago. It's funny how he deceived us by lying to our faces and telling us that he would send the ship to study the Earth's terrain. Instead, he sent it there for the arrival of his children. It has been nearly decades since they were babies. I believe that one of them was able to find the Scout Ship. They could likely learn about our heritage as we speak."

"How were you able to trace the scout ship?" He asked curiously.

"Our androids could track it down the moment it was activated. This helped them to deduce his plan from scratch."

Gordon nodded, impressed by his former best friend's plan.

"I see. He was always ahead of the curve. However, his plan came to ruins when the ship was activated."

"That is where you come in. Under the orders of the Council and the King of Codex. We assign you to apprehending the four. Once you've done so, bring them with you to Codex."

Bor-Jor said as he directed his forefinger toward him.

"What of the other, the eldest son?" Gordon inquired.

"You mean Seth?" 

"Yes him," replied Gordon.

Once more, he stroked his beard and continued, "He is of no use to us. After all, Caldor begged us not to kill him since he didn't know about his father's misconduct's."

"Does Lady Astrid know of this?" Gordon inquired.

"No, she does not!" Bor-Jor said.

"I see," replied Gordon with a nod.

Gordon took out his foil from behind his back strap and unsheathed it. He traced his finger across the sharp edges of the foil and said with a smirk, "If this is what Codex requires of me, then it shall be so."

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