chapter two.

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once the boy caught his balance, he sat upwards some. rubbing at the back of his neck as a slight grumble left, tony blinked when seeing a boy with grey skin floating, only to realize that it wasn't an ordinary boy, but a vampire. stuck in pure admiration, he didn't realize he was staring until the other poked his nose.

“ geez you're strange. humans are oddballs. ”  the boy spoke as he floated up onto the top of his bed. eyes narrowing, the fanged male closed his eyes.

“ who are you? ”

“ I'm rudolph, and you? ”

biting at his lip, the blond only offered the other a small and awkward smile. “ uh, names tony. ”

throwing out their names, the blond furrowed his brows some upon seeing a faint color of black? from the corner of his eye. shrugging it off, he sat on the treasure chest like box in his guest room. playing with his fingers, he didn't know what to do nor ask.

so rudolph was a vampire it seems. honestly, the small teenager couldn't be more excited! he had an / actual / vampire in his room. although if he actually told his parents they'd never believe him until they saw the ravenette. shaking his head, he perked upon hearing a slight cough.

turning his head, the blond arched a thin brow. “ got anything to eat? I'm hungry. ” gulping, the boy ran out of the room to try and find something — red.

looking around, he found some strawberries. hopefully adventure time hasn't lied to him and vampires just drink red and or blood. he didn't want to become a victim. walking back into the room, he was tackled down.

blue hues widening, he shook his head. “ quit that, I have your food now get off! ”  tony yelled as he puffed his cheeks like a little kid.

getting off while still hissing, the vampire narrowed his eyes before being offered a strawberry. blinking, he gladly took it and sucked the color out clean. relief washed over the human as he leaned up against the wall and slid down. “ jesus, you're strong. ”  he complained.

of course he knew that vampires were, they've got a lot of strength buried in them. even if they do look like pale tooth picks. seeing as the alternative looking vampire was practically devouring the strawberries, he had this smile of relaxation.


as some time went by, it was afternoon for the two. since rudy didn't go home that previous night, he really hoped his parents wouldn't send his brother after him. exhaling lightly, the male then nibbled on the skin if of his lower lip as he hung upside down. the sun was slowly coming down and that made the vampire happy.

thankfully, that blasted vampire hunter and his dumb minion weren't there anymore. he was at bay with feeling safe once more, maybe. it really depends with that old man. yawning a little, he then poked at the mortals cheek. squishy.

“ can I help you? ” tony mumbled out in a playful voice. with the grey skinned male taking note, he shrugged.  “ I just wanna bother you. ”  he chuckled.

“ mm. I see the sun is setting down. does that mean you'll be leaving soon? ”  tony asked, he swore he could see a tint of the dimming light sky with its blue color, but shrugged it off. watching as the other turned his head, only to give a nod.

“ yeah. I will be soon. but only when it's dark out it's not as easy for me to get caught by this dumb hunter when it's pitch black. ” chuckling lightly, he then rolled his shoulders back some to pop them.

giving a nod at his new pals words, tony went back to playing with his fingers. “ will I see you again tomorrow, maybe? ” he asked gently.

that really caught the vampire off guard. could he come visit again? honestly, he didn't know really. sighing lightly, he shrugged again. “ maybe. depends if I don't get in trouble by my father. ” he states with a slight smile.

nodding, he then looked away. god, if he could see his face right now, he'd see complete red. a deep flush came across his slightly paled skin. if the other wasn't present, he'd completely fanboy.

soon, the time came for rudolph to leave. “ well mortal, I'll / hopefully / see you tomorrow. cya. ” he simply spoke before jumping out of the window.

racing over towards it, the male then blinked. placing his hands onto the cold stoned windowsill and watched as the other flew off. smiling brightly, he kept his window cracked, just in case.

changing into his classic stripped pjs, the male exhaled. body flopping onto the bed, he closed his eyes.


he sure was an odd boy, well vampire. but still! a real life one as well. tony couldn't believe what he's witnessed. a real vampire who can suck the color of red from foods. maybe next time if the others hungry, he'll bring him out towards the cows. getting comfortable, he waited for his mother to come in, but she never did.

“ must've been a busy day. ”  he mumbled out as he rolled himself onto his side. calming his rather energetic body, he closed his eyes and yawned. snuggling into the warm blanket, tony was out like a light.


once rudolph got home, he was bombarded with questions from both of his siblings and soon his mother. pushing them off as ' I was fine ',  he really prayed he could dodge the words of his father. that man is spooky.

getting towards his coffin, he laid himself down in it as his mind wondered around. for once, it wouldn't shut up. something about that human drew him in, like a good stake almost. well no, more like a magnet.

but why?

placing it off as nothing, he closed his eyes as his hands rested in the center of his stomach and chest. exhaling lightly, he started to drift off. he didn't get much sleep the day prior, but he'd rather sleep at night then be questioned by his parents. can't do that if he's asleep, right?

honestly, rudy wonders what the morning will bring with this tony character.

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