chapter one.

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sitting in the back of the car, the blond boy was deep into his comic book. sure he was reading aloud for most of it, only to be hushed by his father. sighing, the male then gazed out the window. his dull blue eyes looking at anything that he could see. nothing but grey. grumbling a little, he wished he could see color like his parents could.

nose scrunching, he decided to rest. since the drive would be quite a while and he was tired ( stayed up reading comics of course ). curling up, the male was out like a light.

once light shined, they had made it to the haunted castle. waking up, tony couldn't hold back this dumb smile that was lacing his thin lips. he adored old and vintage buildings like this, they made him beyond happy. grabbing his stuff, he followed the owners towards his room.

setting down the bags, he looked around. it looked so nice, big too. sitting down on his bed, the male was honestly still pretty tired. sunset would be coming soon and he wanted to look around the area and see the farm, along with the graveyard of course. even though that'd be better at night, he didn't feel like hallucinating tonight.

opening the black suitcase, the blond boy grabbed some stripped pajamas and slipped them on. rubbing his eyes, he set the suitcase away under the bed. hoping onto the rather large mattress, his fingers curled from under the fabric as he pulled himself upwards. getting under the rather heavy covers, he snuggled up.

dottie walked in, giving her son a kiss to the forehead and wishing him good night. brows pressed up, he only offered a smile and mumbled a small ‘ good night ’ back.


morning rolled around and boy oh boy the male didn't expect it. he could feel that overwhelming about of exhaustion rush over him. grumbling lightly, the male got out of bed. falling in the process since he wasn't actually used to a tall bed like the one he was resting in.

getting dressed, his feet carried him down the stairs and towards the kitchen. already seeing his parents there, he offered them a lazy smile. sitting, they were fed pork brat? that was a rather, unusual type of breakfast but seeing the cows out the window it was rather understandable. after eating, he stretched out and told his parents he'd go explore.

stepping outside, he was met with the sun. geez, it was honestly so bright, nearly blinding him. grumbling a little bit, he walked down the rather long set of stairs to go see the farm animals. being raised in the urbanized area, he wasn't used to them. although, he loved seeing them.

going towards the chickens, tony checked out everything. he was honestly pretty happy that he convinced his father to come here, definitely worth it. smelling that god awful cow stench, he cringed. “ gross. ”

mumbling his word choice, he exited and decided to go look at the graveyard near the house. feet crunching underneath the dead grass, he puffed his cheeks just a bit. sometimes that sound disturbed him, he didn't know where some other noises would come from.

humming a little to distract himself, the teenager grabbed a walking stick. a wide and childish smile laced his lips as he walked. even if he couldn't see anything aside from the shades of red that would pop up, he pressed his brows down at some other faint sounds he was hearing. strange. shaking his head, he soon appeared at the graveyard.

eyes scanning, he was in awe. they were always so lovingly set up by the grieving family members, and dammit, tony wishes he could see these more often. the different types of flowers, how much they've decayed over the time being interested him. his eyes shifted upwards, soon seeing the slight red shade from the sun. ah, sunset.

grabbing his walking stick, the male started to head back. his eyes slowly growing tired too, but he didn't feel as drained as he did last night. that was an absolute nightmare in his eyes. nearly tripping over his own two feet, his gaze went to the castle. it was honestly pretty, even if he couldn't see the genuine color. placing the stick against them front door, he walked in.

seeing as everyone had ate and it was getting late out, he needed to shower. staying out in the heat in the summer wasn't exactly the smart thing to do for most of the day. going back towards his room, he took off his shoes as he proceeded to grab his once again, striped pajamas. along with some boxers, he headed for the hall to get a towel. once done, he was off.

getting there, he closed the door before looking around. “ this is all so confusing. ”  although he had a faint smile, he giggled lightly to himself. man, castles were interesting.

once the water was going and at a temperature he was pleaded with. taking off his clothes, he placed them in the basket that had his father's clothes from day prior in. stepping in, the warm water was hitting against his back and that was nice. eyes falling shut, he hummed.

warm water drenching his blond hair which practically got darker, he stayed there for a smidge longer. afterwards, tony grabbed the shampoo he saw and begun washing his hair. the smell of citrus filled his nose whilst he scratched his head. meshing the soap in, the blond let a small yawn slip out of his lips.

rinsing out his hair, he hummed lightly. since he was the only one awake ( that he was aware of ), he softly begun to sing a song. a song he was desperately trying to learn but could never get right. maybe because he can't connect to the lyrics. washing his body next, the smell of mint filled the small boys nose. once he was finished he started to dry off.

stepping out of the shower, he got dry and dressed. finding a blow dryer, he begun to dry his hair. brushing his teeth as well, tony was tired. he had forgotten he opened the window to his room, well more so his mother did. why? who knows, probably a mom thing. shaking his head once getting back towards his room, he noticed the curtain was closed. that was, strange. setting his tooth brush away, he sat down on the bed berks hearing a voice perk.

“ why are you in here, mortal.

“ I sleep in here..? wait who's there? ”  trying to see, he was surprised when feeling a jab to the back.

“ boo. ”

with that, the teenager squeaked and practically jumped, falling off the bed in total.

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